[center][h1][color=CC7722]Icarus Ochre[/color][/h1][h2]Silver Gate Academy Highschool Building, Classroom 4-A [/h2] [sub]Starring the entire class of 4-A, but extra starring Koyuki as portrayed by [@Amaterasu][/sub] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] Icarus had made a grave error. A fatal mistake. A deadly miscalculation. He had decided that the best place in the class to sit was up front. He was a studious lad, after all, and even if not gregarious, he could get along with an instructor quite well. Kirizanto Kuuto was not an instructor one got along with. There was no mirth in how he taught the class. Function over form had been taken to extremes in this course, but Icarus could have worked with that too. It's just that he was only one wrong move away from one of those talismans. And those he could not deal with. Sure, they were probably low level talismans, hopefully, ones that wouldn't [i]hurt[/i] him, but they were still tools of exorcism. And he was quite vulnerable to that. They could [i]hurt[/i]. He spent most of the class with his eyes driven very solidly into his desk, unable to even look at the instructor. If he had a proper one, he was sure he would have also spent it with his heart hammering in his ears. Thankfully he only had to just listen to the lecture instead. Though he wasn't sure if blocking it out with a rhythmic thump would have been much more pleasant than listening to just how much more [i]advanced[/i] the people of Earth had become at the art. The Arrows were already bad enough, but the Earthlings were [i]better[/i]? He resolved to never get on the bad side of an exorcist from this side of the portal. That would be disastrous. And painful. [hr] The end of class was of great relief to the phoenix, who took a moment to observe his classmates now that their teacher was no longer being so forward. Looking around, eyes darting from face to face, he did see a few familiar people in the room, though some might be less familiar with him than the other way around. Golden Week had, if nothing else, given him quite the opportunity to at least observe. He needed a friend today, and it didn't take long to spot one of the other students who had been given the dreaded [i]worksheet[/i] instead of the normal homework. If nothing else, they could help each other get through this hellish class, if they just worked together, right? Anything was better than weathering the storm of Kirizanto Kuuto alone. Even being outgoing and making a friend was a better option. And that is, ultimately, what drove Icarus to take those faint, nervous steps forward, and to start up the conversation himself. [color=CC7722]"Hey, I'm Icarus...would you mind going through the worksheet together? I think I might have missed half of what was said in class...and people like us need to stick together in this class, eh?"[/color]