[@Scallop] Alright, lets see what you got. [hider=Scallop's Rolls] King Mu of Zhou - Ever want to be immortal? Mu really wanted to be immortal. So he set out on a series of wars, epic adventures, and failed each time. Perhaps one of the most famous anecdotes is about the animatronic that was made for him. A completely autonomous machine, and the first of its kind that had a beating heart and feelings. Christina of Sweden - Gonna be honest, this one was a recommendation to me, and her wiki page is remarkably dense. I can't help you on this one. Gilles De Ries - Non-Caster Class only at the moment. Something seems to be stopping you from summoning him as a Caster. (Canon) Charles Babbage - Wanna pilot a robot? Do it. (Canon) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Play me a song Mr. Piano Man. (Canon) [/hider]