You were under the mistaken impression that Ailee had been hitting you before. You were wrong - [i]now[/i] she hits you, an open-palmed slap across the face. "Jackdaw! What the hell do you think you're doing!?" she snaps, snatching the stick from the semiconscious fox's fingers. "E-NUN-CEE-ATE! De[i]fend[/i]! For heavens' sakes, [b]this[/b] is what you get for blowing off my adventurer training!" Ailee's 'adventurer training' had involved her bursting into your room in the middle of the night, putting a pistol in your mouth as you were struggling to wake up, and screaming at you to perfectly enunciate a defensive abjuration. In fairness, she'd put herself through the same 'testing' - more than once she'd had a weirdly fluent conversation with you with a mouth full of literal marbles and she'd only accidentally swallowed and almost choked on a marble once. Today was not a day for small mercies - mercy made for poorly trained wizards! [Assisting Jackdaw, moving that result to an 8.]