Koishi danced her way to the Human Village and found herself in... [i]some [/i]kind of reality. Usually when she slid back into the real world, everything looked pretty normal, save for the really, really scary faces the humans and youkais made here and there. Or, at least, the faces their hearts made—it was hard to tell which was which sometimes. Then again, sometimes the trees looked really scary too, and sometimes they would look like tall green rods threatening to keep her trapped in their maze forever. Okay, so maybe being lost in the ruby fog that now hugged the ground wasn't [i]entirely[/i] out of left field for the young satori, but that fact didn't make the situation any less disturbing. But as if by fate, a voice cut through the fog like one of her crows pried open a fig. And not just any voice, but someone... laughing? Laughing! [color=82ca9d][b]Heyyyy![/b][/color] Koishi flailed her arms in the direction of the sound. [color=82ca9d][b]I'm lost; can you help me find my way to the incident? We can even be friends![/b][/color] Try as she might, Koishi couldn't get her bearings through fog this thick, especially since she had never been all that great with directions in the first place. If only Mokou had been there—she was always an expert at finding her way out of mazes and had rescued Koishi from a bind in the weird-tree forest more than once. But still, this was an incident, and the nice people of the village were relying on her. What would Reimu and Marisa do if they were here? They would... ask for help? Take the danmaku-first-ask-questions-later approach? Give up? No, Koishi realized that there was some kind of finesse to incident-solving, a finesse that she'd have to learn fast. Unfazed by the soupy, tomato sauce air, the girl glided through the village and skidded to a stop before a bleak-looking fruit stand toward its center. [color=82ca9d][b]Hello? Is there anybody in there, Mr. Fruit Stand Owner?[/b][/color] No answer. Maybe the mist had put the owner of the little shop to sleep. Or maybe the villagers were ignoring her... again. But that didn't matter—Koishi had a mission to focus on and a goal to reach. Closing her eyes, she conjured up the memory of the laughing voice. Its direction. Its volume. Koishi took a handful of steps toward her best guess at where the laugh came from and inhaled. [color=82ca9d][b][i]Hellooooo?[/i] Who's there?[/b][/color]