Ridahne double checked her supplies. She had candles--plenty to see by--a couple soft clean rags for mopping up extra ink and blood, and she'd retrieved her tattoo kit from her saddlebags down in the stables. She took the opportunity to visit with their horses and Mitaja, the latter of which was sleeping in Tsura's stable like a fat and lazy queen of the barn. The animals were glad for the visit, and especially since Ridahne saw that they got some treats before she left. Her three ink colors were well stocked and her needles sharp and in good condition. The mirror inside the lid of the box was clean and free from dust. She had everything she needed except...water! Of course, how could she forget? Not only did she need it to clean her tools, but the cakes of ink needed to be hydrated. Ridahne came downstairs and approached the barkeep. "Tavernmaster, I need a cup of water. It has to be the cleanest, purest water you can get your hands on, not from the rain barrel." The man studied her a moment, wondering why it had to be so specific. But when he took up the mantle as the inn's owner, the previous one had informed him that sometimes Azurei travelers made odd requests, and it was usually best just to humor them rather than try to understand their odd ways. "Aye, I'll see what I can get for you, Azurei." As she waited, she turned and found Darin at the bar and practically beamed. "Ah! There you are! Do anything interesting today while I was busy?" Ridahne sat beside her and nodded at Mrixe, though she eyed the woman seated beside him. That was a guard, she'd bet money on it, and she also vaguely recalled seeing her the night before. It took everything in her not to groan. Instead she inclined her head towards the woman, and somewhat coldly said, "Hm. Guess one can't leave a snake in their home overnight without it being watched. You never know when it might strike..." There was a note of sarcasm in her voice. She had no plans to stir up any trouble or hurt anyone, but if they wanted to watch her every move and assume she would, then she wanted to remind them that she could. Mrixe was one thing, he had conducted himself especially honorably last night, and had the favor of Darin. And while this new guard hadn't done anything unseemly or wrong, she did not hold quite the same esteem that Mrixe did in Ridahne's mind. The barkeep returned with a wooden cup of cool, clear water, which Ridahne sniffed and nodded her approval. He came back, however, with a bowl of stew and some bread that he set in front of her. Ridahne almost protested--she had THINGS to do, she did not have time for eating! But then she reasoned that her hand would be steadier with a bit of food in her, so she ate, scooping up little flakes of meat and carrots and potatoes with her bread. She looked to Darin. "I've got to admit, I'm nervous. You seem a little nervous too?" She wasn't sure if that was the right word, but Darin seemed a little quieter than usual.