[centre][h1][color=gold]Head Guard Val[/color][/h1][/centre] [@Blade17] Val rolled his eyes. Of course, it wasn't going to be that easy. He couldn't go back without anything- Jane probably spread the tale of her encounter to the castle staff and lower nobility and it wasn't long until the monarchs heard about it. Pulling out his sword, he aimed the end of the shiny blade at the man: [color=gold]'' I'm afraid that it wasn't a request kind sir. Gents if you may...''[/color] The other guards emerged from the crowd, some with and some without weapons. The group attempted to surround the man. This was only a fraction of the guards stationed in the square. The rest, being of lower rank, were only patrolling the area for anything suspicious. Those let their guard down seeing that Val had seemingly everything under control.