[i]When the gods stand against you, there are but three paths you may walk: the path of harmony, the path of renunciation, or the path of wisdom.[/i] - Kyllos, [i]The Dialogues[/i] *** Aphrodite! Of course Redana knows better than to disrespect any of the gods, but her education focused mostly on “how to invoke Aphrodite for blessings in political marriages” and “the proper ceremonies to request the love of one’s subjects.” If she had read more of the right sort of books, she would be a lot more scared than she is now; she would be more likely to consider, even if only for a moment, the path of wisdom[1]. But Aphrodite is toothless, she thinks. He is almost silly, a crooning singer who touches hearts and lifts spirits, patron of the cosmetologist and the cosmetic surgical kit, and of course she does not want to offend him, but it should be simple enough to walk in harmony, present herself as a suitor, and delight him enough so that he lets her walk away with Epistia. What could go wrong? “Thank you, both of you,” Redana says, clapping her hands together twice and bowing her head. “May you be wreathed in honor, as befits your dignity. I will heed your wisdom as I court the hand of the princess.” There! Are you not pleased, Aphrodite? We shall put on a show[2]! Redana will walk your labyrinth until she comes to its center[3]. Far-off mortar fire and the toppling of trees catches her attention: the pursuit is here. She flinches, guilty, pained. Knowing that it is her fault that violence has come here is a knife in her heart, and further proof that she cannot escalate the godly conflict. Every distant crash of splintered timber twists in her. “There is no time to lose,” she adds, fervently. “I’m very sorry to ask, but can one of you please take me to her? The sooner I win her, the less hurt my enemies can cause this wonderful place.” *** [1]: give up on your plans and walk away. [2]: to renounce Aphrodite is to be heartless; is to steel yourself and let no kindness or sympathy sway you. To walk under Athena’s shield in such matters is to take what is yours by cold stratagem, the mathematics of battery fire, overwhelming force and spoil. It is to Redana’s credit that she does not even consider this. [3]: Redana has not thought this far ahead yet.