[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/COlSgMa.png[/img] [color=PeachPuff]“With friends like these, who needs enemies?”[/color] [color=888888]— Su Fang [/color][/center] [sub][@Erode][@Ariamis][/sub] Su would be lying if she said she was 100% sure Askefye was going to agree, but she was confident in her strategy. Either Askefye would jump at the chance to be with the ascendancy girl, or jump at the chance to nuke her. And she’d get to eat either way. Having to pay didn’t bother Su much. “All-you-can-eat” was often a staple of cheaper restaurants. A shame, as Su wouldn’t have minded paying a little extra for decent food. Though for some reason, this was feeling like a victory she would regret. Not like she could back out now. [color=PeachPuff]“She’s heading in the direction of the shop I wanted to show you.”[/color] Su flew after Askefye, Su in tow. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Msjfqoy.png[/img] [b]”Bow chicka wow woooooooow!”[/b] [color=888888]— Aria Rizzo[/color][/center] Aria had [i]actually[/i] finished everything when the door to her shop swung open. Multicolored luminescent butterflies flew all around the newly arrived, but Aria didn’t look up from her book. [b]”Daji is best known for her fantastical depiction as a-”[/b] She wasn’t making that mistake again. When she looked up, her mark had entered the store, Unfortunately she was with two other girls. The one with the metallic body didn’t concern her, but the other one, the one that was always ablaze. Askefye. That girlwas essentially a giant light bulb and thus attracted all manner of insects, butterflies included. This is because female butterflies have a special gland that contains a chemical that emits ultraviolent radiation. Fires and light bulbs also emit this, which is why moths will seem to fly to certain death. Naturally, the butterflies would also swarm a burning woman thinking she was a potential mate. Fortunately her butterflies were more or less immune to being burned up. Well, the stronger ones anyway. But that’s getting sidetracked with animal facts! That girl… was especially welcome! Askefye was a regular, and one of the reasons why Aria was able to stay open. [b]”[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rif6sQ9JTHA]Welcome![/url] You must be here for my newest bomb!”[/b] She reached under the counter and pulled out a giant disk. Its many reflective surfaces made it look like a two dimensional disco ball. [b]”I’m still deciding on a name. But the point is that when this bomb goes off, it releases confetti in almost every direction, causes spot lights to rain down on top of it, and fires a dazzling light array in every direction. There’s also a slot so that you can insert a music CD and play it at full volume.”[/b] Aria climbed onto the counter and stood on top of it. [b]”This model is entirely non-lethal. The idea is that you stand on top of it and BOOM! You are instantly the center of attention! Perfect for outshining other girls at a rave or getting full agro in a fight! You need this!”[/b] Meanwhile, Su was examining the book that Aria had abandoned. [color=PeachPuff]“Daji?”[/color] [b]”Oh?”[/b] Aria turned to Su with a grin. [b]”Have you heard of her?”[/b] [color=PeachPuff]“Something like that.”[/color] Su turned to Helga. [color=PeachPuff]“Seems like Askefye is shopping. We might as well take a look around before returning.”[/color]