"Powdering the silver eh? We'll have to head back to Red Shard and get the right tools, but I'm sure that ought to be easy enough. Scrap the the other stuff lads." Tayang orders the others, who proceeded to smash the various ritual devices that weren't simply made of precious metals. When you mentioned your key set, Tayang shook his head. "Can't say there were anything locked that we couldn't just smash though. Some of the chests were locked but my axe was able to cut through em easy enough." It would seem like there was nothing else left to do. But before you could command the crew to leave, Kulee burst through the door. "Captain! Ships on the horizon! Mix of fishing ships and orc warships!" Sure enough if you looked outside, you could see the faint shapes of ships in the distance. But their banners were easy enough for you to identify even from afar. Orc warships pride themselves are their ostentatiously detailed masts that made sure everyone could see their colors and know their intent. There were at least three of them, behind what would appear to be six or so much smaller fishing boats, likely belonging to the fishing hamlet. Based off the winds and their direction, the ships would be here in a matter of minutes. Your crew grabbed the loot and met you outside. Tayang looked at you. "Orders captain? If we leave now I think we might be able to shove off before they could reach us. But if they give chase... Shit, I don't know about our odds."