[h2][centre] [color=a2d39c] [color=f6989d]Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" [/color][color=6ecff6]& Victoria Darya Romus "Vika" [/color][/color][/centre][/h2] [h3][centre] [color=a2d39c]Thursday - Mixed Locations- Sol City[/color][/centre][/h3] [b]Thursday[/b] [b]Victoria [/b] Victoria was still annoyed, frustrated and several hundred dollars or garage bill to pay to have her car checked over unsure how Ethan had found her and checked for bugs. Course they not found anything and billed her a nice chunk for the time. How, how on earth had he happened to turn up that afternoon, she hated mysteries, especially ones of her own personal life. Throw in Ryan and the uncertainty there and the who dunnit on tracking her... Migraine worthy. Xia and Keyla certainly had livened up the house a bit in their own way, of course forcing Marinalia to relax had taken a bit of effort. Her sister could not be called anything but an unwelcoming host though if the fridge and cupboards were well stocked with something for almost everyone in the house including Caribbean, Russian ice cream, European and those damned addictive American cream cake things. Curry, Pasta and for some unknown to anyone but her parmesan cheese on top, why? Who knows, no one could get at her for not eating properly though, even if it was for breakfast. Victoria really was not a morning person in an old comfy t shirt, pajama short clad legs not touching the floor and hair tied back into a loose ponytail to keep out while cooking, sipping a Coffee, wishing it to be caffeinated by sheer intention. Marlin and Xia would be a while, Keyla she did not know yet if she always was always an early riser. A little envious how by sheer chance the two despite everything and all the trouble, well they worked and were cute together, they never seemed anyway to notice how much they held hands or just the little stuff. [i][color=6ecff6]"Morning keyla, Kettles still hot, milk was off. Use the green in the top, well smelt off to me anyway..." [/color][/i] Not quite yet up to advanced subjects Victoria yawned and turned back to breakfast. She still looked somewhat alarmed at how lightly built and shorter Victoria was and not entirely healthy weight but she had been like this since a teanager and always struggled to change the fact. She was less steady but could manage round house unaided. It has taken Xia a bit to not instinctively want to help her or think something was wrong. Looking out the window towards the garden, it was cloudy but warm, even the Marble floors, Wooden boards and granite countertop were not quite so cool recently. No appointment today, least she had that luxury not to be in hospital on a nice day. Browsing the paper on a tablet left in the kitchen, Cult of Sangus, wait. Vampires. Seriously... Blonde... Oh... Quickly. Forwarding that one to Marlin when she awoke from her infinite slumber. Lawsuits and protests, light lane was a rather nice area be sad to see it demolished adding her name to the online petition. Bone... Reaper. Tomb. Someone thought they were punny. Governments should not be allowed puns. The Vampires... Really, from the level thete it seemed like they went to a certain red head for quotes about them. Least Southside only had failed Necromancy this week. [hr] Time had strange effects, you never really noticed a change that happened slowly, little by little where someone who had not seen you would see it straight away. She had been so busy with everything, the whole argument and stress, time had decided to sneak up on her. Finding a cute purple fitted spring/summer dress, the zip came up but Victoria definitely was showing in that one. A small bump but rather obvious if you were looking for it. [i][color=6ecff6]"Really... No hiding it soon. " [/color][/i] She had picked it up alongside her coat that had a model like that so that least was a vote of confidence in the choices. Digging a little, a box neatly wrapped in tissue paper inside and monogrammed and folded to a standard she doubted could be replicated if she had all day to spend on the task. The coat was a little silly but it was also entirely handmade in London, custom panels and Fabrics waterproofing, hidden pockets, detachable hood and fastenings and the option to adjust as her changing body needed, she had probably spent way too much but getting anything in her size was... Interesting to say the least. Asia maybe but their styles did not always suit her. Adding the Silver raven pin, she always liked those misunderstood creatures. That all made things very realistic... The clock was ticking and there was so much to do before she was too tired, aching and distracted to concentrate on the major stuff well as Victoria would like. Resting her head in her hands, she sat on bed, too much. 6 months and everything changed ready or not. Maria, Marla... Marla would know. Thank the fates her somewhat aunt in law liked her. First things first, call Marla. Then work from there, make a list and start at the top what was done, what needed doing and what was nice to have done. Least her legal side was sorted, medical was managing. Just the practical... Lots to buy and sort out. Grabbing a pen, it did not take long to write a list out to cover, turns out baby brain was a thing. Lists where becoming a rather close friend.. [hider=To Do] [i][s]Legal - embassy stuff[/s] done! Hospital - check up booked - blood test next week. Marla - Confirm buy list - amazon etc To do - isofix? Europe needed? Mike /Milo - Contrcator - Nursry. Dad's present. - event? [s]Pick up boots[/s] delayed till sat Hair dresser... Book. [s]Carla[/s] - Tasha! Contact consulate regard to code request. Physio - Luna sports. Yoga breathing. Book [s]2[/s] week time.[/i] [/hider] [hider=Fig 1] [img]https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0264/4030/2685/products/purple-1950s-swing-224151.jpg?v=1578059933[/img] [img]https://www.topcelebsjackets.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Emilia-Clarke-Game-of-Thrones-Cosplay-Wool-Coat-4.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTU0OFgxNjAw/z/vxEAAOSwnQhXpmqp/$_57.JPG?set_id=8800005007[/img] [/hider] [hr] From the balcony she could hear the sounds of the festival preparing, they had been setting up for a while now, the trucks carrying materials, tents, stalls and more besides has been running without pause for 2 days. The amount the city spent on festivals was insane probably . They had been here a matter of months really, at least 3-4 major parties and festivals all funded by the city. The Mayor really loved to entertain the people. Sure he could be a bit silly from the news and not always the best but he definitely knew how to bring the city together. The tradition sounded good though, Victoria definitely needed to cast some things into the fire and hope the new year decided to bring good things rather than bad. Isosef was about, Marlin probably would have her plate full looking after Xia, she had met some people in the city so she might bump into someone she knew. Ryan still had her somewhat confused by her feelings, urgh, chalk one more thing to what she did not understand. Making a choice, grabbing her coat, hand bag and finding some earrings to match, Victoria was determined to least look presentable even if she was rather confused and currently despising mysteries. [i][color=6ecff6]"Going to festival, Don't worry i'll take Isosef, With me. No need to report me to Maria Mali. Left a note. See you there if your going. Xia, remind Mali to rest and enjoy herself too!"[/color][/i] Malin had taken great care of everyone but she really needed to just stop stressing the little stuff. The festival was busy but not mega packed; she could navigate easily, a little less steady on the grass however hard packed and laid down grating with Isosef keeping her steady in the worst parts. Victoria was wandering, already having found a nice bracelet at a stall making Nordic style ones and a gift for her dad's birthday that could keep for a while. With time difference and work, yeah, be evening before she could call Marla if she free today , might as well make most of it and enjoy the festivities. [b]Mentions[/b]