[h2][centre] [color=a2d39c] [color=f6989d]Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" [/color][color=6ecff6]& Victoria Darya Romus "Vika" [/color][/color][/centre][/h2] [h3][centre] [color=a2d39c]Thursday - Mixed Loccations- Sol City[/color][/centre][/h3] [b]Thursday[/b] [b]Marinalia[/b] Marinalia had a rather diffrent week than she planned or ever really expected but notone she would make a diffrent decision to help, or decide that her girlfriend was not worth the hastle even if it would be a difficult weeks to months for Xia to fully heal, maybe longer to recover her job fully back and skills but it was worth it. Carlo had been paid. The house was stocked with everything everyone wanted, OK maybe she was overdoing but she was going to make life least good in some ways. Smiling to herself as she woke up with Xia asleep next to her and slid out carefully not to wake her feeling the need for a shower to wake up and lazily basking in the flowing hot water singing along to Dinsey rather well though would never admit to that one to strangers. The joy of waterproof speakers hidden away meant no need to risk frying her phone too that was a handy innovation. [hider=vid 1] [youtube]https://youtu.be/25QyCxVkXwQ[/youtube] [/hider] Heading out hair wrapped in a towel and dredging round for some clothes to wear, the festival could be hered even back here faintly though the thick insulated glazing a little. Unsure what to do she would need to ask Keyla and Xia and see what they wnanted. Obviously it was definitely a lie in as she could hear Victoria shouting on her way out through a door as she was never a early morning person... [i][color=f6989d]"I'd not Call Maria... I want to do it oh younger sister. We will, stay safe Vika, you have fun."[/color][/i] Shaking her head at her Victoria as she found somthing abit more basic in designer Jeans, a comfy t shirt and sorting out her hair, magic... Well it was easier the explaining how you use air currents, computers and various engine modes to keep it airborne at different times. Her flight jacket was resting on the back of a chair of she wnated to go out, better try and ake Xia up, she could be grumpy when hungry though so better wake her before breakfast entirely became lunch. [hider=Fig 1] [img]https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.706115691.3375/ra,fitted_scoop,x2000,322e3f:696a94a5d4,front-c,285,143,750,1000-bg,f8f8f8.u2.jpg[/img] [/hider] Giving Carabian sleeping beauty a kiss on her cheek and sitting on the edge of the bed. [i][color=f6989d]"Wake up sleepy, you are cute when your sleeping but wake up babe. We need to do your Physio, breakfast and I need a kiss."[/color][/i] Smiling, sure it was not the most romantic thing ever but right now, she was happy just to have someone to cuddle and hold her hand after the shocks of this week. It was only temporary, hopefully they could just remember the good bits in the future. Doing her best to help somewhat unsure exactly how to do it perfectly and Learning along the way to do things, her horse riding at weekend was optional, one day she convince and her girlfriend to give it a go in reality. [hr] Marinalia felt abit guilty leaving Xia with Keyla however the older woman had a core of Steel when she wanted to and basicly told her to go out and enjoy the festival going on outside and they would join her if Xia felt up to it. She was rather firm but kind telling her to stop worrying and she could handle things. One last gentle hug Marinalia was walking down the curving marble stairs. Least the overpriced food was not a issue if could not be bothered to wait in the queues and just nip home. Victoria was already off exoloring where ever she was. Rather casual in t shirt, riding boots, jeans and her flight jacket hanging open she really escaped note bare the real gold wings glittering in sun light, patches and vintage aviators that where not always easy to find. Even with the fires not lit yet the festival was lively and the stalls, where rather varried from the rubbish to the genuinely nice stuff and more beyond. BONE? no, just some similar police acronym wandering about. The other article Victoria sent her, did they interview Siobhan about them and get confused? Several stalls later, quite a few items not right least she had some idea what to get but not perfect. Her mum was really tricky to buy for so you had to shop in advance. Now if only she stop teasing her about needing the jewrally vault after hearing her new living arnagements... She had rushed everything else, she would probbly not say no... But not rushing to ask either... Lopping round and grabbing a coffee from the Solbucks stand watching some. Italian by the guess of the flag pin they wore cry at the concoction she was reeling off. [i][color=f6989d]"One White Choclate mocha, extra shot, vanilla syrup, cream and mini marshemmlows topped with some Choclate sprinkles to go please, packet of pom bears, yes I do have a card, and yes, I really do." [/color][/i] Sipping thr over priced sugar concoction, ahh.. That's the ticket, she got thr odd question if the wings where real, most where too locked known worlds to really notice what they meant though. [i][color=f6989d]"What, salted, red ones. Thankyou."[/color][/i] Happy with her sweet treat and a snack, Marlin loved them when she was a kid and a grown up. Plus not nasties in them. Glancing about for anyone she knew and running a blank deciding to buy look for somthing cute as Auntie Mali, and hopefully a present for her mum. [b]Mentions[/b] [@King Tai]