[center] Appearance: Long and wild red hair that reaches her hip, with wide gold-colored eyes and heart-shaped face. Has a surgical scar in the shape of an 'x' over her heart. [b]Name:[/b] Vashya Rafflesia [b]Age:[/b] 11 [b]Guild Mark Location:[/b] Right Hand[/center] [u][b]Magic Type:[/b][/u] [b]Erosion Magic[/b] [quote]A type of Black Magic that focuses on the accelerated breakdown of an objects existence.[/quote] [hider=Spells:][list] [*]Touch of Rot [quote][i]Vashya's touch causes an accelerated state of decay. The longer an objects natural breakdown is, the longer it takes for the magic to eat through it. Vashya's magic potential limits her from doing anything more than eroding things plants and rocks quickly.[/i][/quote] [*]Center of Erosion [quote][i]Vashya can imbue an object with her magic and cause it to become a focal point for the erosion to spread. Objects touched by imbued will be affected as though touched by herself.[/i][/quote] [*]Chain Breakdown [quote][i]From a single touch, objects that are linked physically to one another are affected by her magic and proceed to breakdown.[/i][/quote] [*]Shadow of Miasma [quote][i]Creates a mist that slowly erodes that which comes into contact with it. Though not as potent as her other spells, it also confuses the senses and is thick enough to blind those caught within it.[/i][/quote] [*]Tendril Erosion [quote][i]Vashya cab create a tendril from her magic that can extend the effects of her magic, acting effectively as hands. Can choose whether or not to affect what it touches.[/i][/quote] [/list][/hider] [b]Magic Rank:[/b] D [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] - A pendant from her mother [u][b]Strengths:[/b][/u] [quote][b]Inquisitive[/b] [i]Curious and keen to learn, Vashya unhesitatingly looks for questions as much as she looks for answers to those questions.[/i] [b]Intelligent[/b] [i]Vashya is more intelligent than the average child her age. Her learning and retention ability are easily prodigy level. She rarely forgets things she's seen and heard, and is often able to apply the things she's learned to solve out of context problems. [/i] [b]Patient[/b] [i]A shared trait with her father, though not quite the same. While she still often acts impulsively and without thinking, when she has a set goal in mind, her focus sharpens and she's capable of holding herself back a great degree in order to achieve her objectives.[/i][/quote] [u][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/u] [quote][b]She's 10[/b] [i]Impulsive, unfocused and generally just does what she wants because it's fun; touches things she shouldn't, eats random things off the floor like a child half her age, and generally dislikes being told to stop the fun thing that she's doing.[/i] [b]Seriously she's tiny[/b] [i]Well, not literally - she's actually quite tall for her age, however she's 10; quite fragile, still developing bones, and very much shorter than everyone else in the guild.[/i] [b]A literal child[/b] [i]Keeps secrets because someone gave her a snack to keep quiet, forgets to keep things quiet, sneaks off without telling anyone where or why and likes to bother people not just to satisfy her curiosity, but also she likes bothering people.[/i][/quote] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] A naturally curious and not at all withdrawn child, Vashya is energetic, constantly looking for things to do, and takes an interest in everything. An emphatic person by nature, Vashya is sensitive to the feelings of those around her and often is easily influenced by the emotions of others. She takes joy in simple things and is open with her feelings and expressions. Although not as tempered as her father, she is patient and willing to delay gratification in pursuit of a greater goal. While she can be petulant and whiny, it is rare that she is ever truly angry - and her anger is very much unlike that of a child. Perhaps even more so than her father, she can be vindictive and calculatingly cold when enraged. [u][b]History/Bio:[/b][/u] The only child of a single mother, Vashya was often told that she was her mothers dream and precious treasure. For all the years that she lived with her mother, she was taught the magic of her family. For awhile, Vashya was happy with that - her mother showered her with love and praise, and she enjoyed the feeling of using her magic. It came so naturally was as though the magic was made for her! As she got older though, the training became stricter and stricter, and punishments for failures became harsh and cruel. Her mothers personality became manic and frantic. There were times where Vashya would catch her muttering to herself in the corners of her home, her eyes empty. At times her face would become so distorted that Vashya failed to recognize her, and hid in her room out of fear. Always her mother would be waiting just outside her door, a smile on her face and with words to placate and assure her everything was fine. It turned out that her mother had been possessed by an Etherious Demon, who had possessed her mother and groomed Vashya as her new host, one fit to hold its power in full. Vashya was unaware of this, but the change in her mothers personality was a result of her mind and body breaking down as it failed to fully fuse with the demon. On the day that her mother died, she was found by child-services, who had come upon hearing reports from neighbors about her screaming the night before. She was catatonic and unresponsive, clutching to a letter her mother left her. It instructed anyone who found her to bring her to the man that was her father, and to explain the circumstances of her death, rather than to send her off to an orphanage. [b]Extra:[/b] The demon sometimes talks to her. She's quite friendly with it.