Mentions: [@ShiningSector] Not too long into her adventure, Beatrice came across a member of the ship, one that made quite the initial impression on her. He stood tall, towering well above her. To anyone witnessing such scene, their encounter may seem almost comical due to such contrasting heights. But going beyond appearances, she was addressed in a rather polite manner. Not that she was expecting any sort of hostility to begin with. When inquired about her whereabouts, Beatrice introduced herself with her name and position, even going as far as showing her orders assigning her to the Prize. Such action wasn't required, but it was merely a formality she was used to whenever arriving somewhere new. Once that was over, Beatrice voiced her concern. She honestly had no idea where she was going, although in hindsight she could have very easily pulled up the ship's blueprints as such data would not have taken more than mere seconds to be accessible through her pad. Oh well, could have should have. At least now she had met a crew member and she wouldn't be a complete stranger to them anymore. Beatrice was not a fan of being the "newbie", for lack of a better term. But after all was said and done, she had been shown where her quarters was located. She was beyond thankful for the help, and she made sure to express her appreciation with her own kind words in return. Once alone, it didn't take long for Beatrice to get comfortable. Without a doubt that moment had been the best part of her day. Second best would probably be whenever she got some food in her system, but that would be addressed later on. Beatrice had some work to do as well; the thought in the back of her mind kept nagging at her as if she were one to forget things easily. That would be true in some instances, but not all that likely with work. The very next thing to do was set up shop, which honestly wasn't much to begin with, and she could link up to the ship's system. [hr] The jump through the wormhole jolted Beatrice in her chair. She tensed up momentarily before relaxing again. Regardless of the number of boring trainings she'd sat through, the woman could never [i]not[/i] react. Later on, when they were all gathered, Beatrice sat quietly listening to the briefing. She was looking forward to getting off the ship and exploring whatever technology this planet had. The challenge in figuring out alien tech was one of the reasons Beatrice enjoyed doing her job, and even though she was eager to get moving, she listened to some ideas the others were discussing. The had good points, though given her position her routine would consist of accompanying Carabello and whoever else would join out there in order to meet this Holy Vei. But her business couldn't be rushed either. She would have to wait until some form of understanding was reached before even thinking about bringing up any sort of talk regarding their level of technology. "Captain, if I may, I'd like to join you. If nothing more, it'd give me a chance to take a look at what these individuals are working with." For Beatrice, it seemed a bit odd to refer to Carabello by rank. They'd been good friends in the academy, always joking about one of them ending up working for the other, and now their back-and-forth had become reality. Their relationship was on good terms when they both had to go their own separate route for work, and whenever they had some free time, Beatrice planned to pick up where they'd left off, or somewhat close to it at least.