[@Blizz] They have a guide, we also have other characters with similar qualifications so they would not need him for that. No, the Brotherhood does not live on MRE's they trade for food with the people around them and have at least decent relations with one nearby trading group. While they might not be great chef's, though at least one them if pretty good they can certainly cook themselves decent meals. Also no, a Yao Guai skin would not shield from radiation, it's animal fur from a creature that mutated due to radiation. Very few things in the wastes shield from radiation that do not cover the entire body and insulate from that damage. Currently as I understand it he's a pacifist character whose radiation endangers the group, meaning the best he can do is make his own little camp outside the base and live there. Maybe occasionally heal one of the others ghouls in the group or talk to them. He's a pacifist who harms living humans by just being near, so again I'm not sure what he can do help the party.