Marsh recoiled and bared his needle-like fangs at the sound of gunfire. This had all been a setup! As his survival instincts kicked in, flooding his body with adrenaline and other chemicals, he became hyper-aware of his surroundings. The acrid smell of gunpowder. The scent of fear, sweat, and blood in the humans around him. He rapid beating of their panicked hearts. He growled and shook his head, trying to clear his mind of unnecessary distractions. "[color=00746b]Garnier, you little worm.[/color]" Marsh gurgled, his voice throatier and harsher than before. "[color=00746b]If this is your doing, I'll eat your liver.[/color]" He snorted again, expelling slime that kept his membranes moistened on land. "[color=00746b]Surely Dracula had contingencies planned for something like this. Escape tunnels, or something. We'll have to search the basement, but I'd take those odds before going out there.[/color]" Ironically, Marsh had the best odds of surviving this encounter out of all of them. All he had to do was slip through the cordon, and if he made it into the wilderness they would never find him again. It would be simple enough to adapt himself to be able to withstand a brief hail of gunfire, now that he had forewarning, and he recovered from injuries fast enough that he doubted they could kill him. The ones that were human among them were in all probability too mad to just consider slipping away quietly, and would get themselves killed for it. Marsh was determined not to let them take him down with them.