Using smoothbore muskets a battalion of ~1000 infantry is terribly ineffective at 100 yards. Infantry formations in this time period rely on the volley of musket fire to encourage the enemy, at least green formations to break and run. Maybe the hope of intimidation alone could get the enemy to leave. The bayonet affixed to the muzzle is still the primary. Once you start seeing rifled muskets and breeach loading weapons used in military formations, the accuracy of musket or rifle fire improves. Then, the use of entrenchments serves a true purpose. With inaccurate smoothbore musket fire, a trench would only mean the infantry have to charge up out of their own holes in order to meet the enemy with the bayonet. This Roleplay is a prime example of why professional armies employ a "Unity of Command" or "Single Vision" when it come to the Commander's intent. Having a democratically chosen method of determining a strategy or tactic is such a grossly inefficient method.