As the [i]I.S.S Prize[/i] entered through the wormhole, Gue'rach kept all four of his eyes fixated on his terminal, oblivious the visuals of the trinary star systems they had been deposited in. Briefly, he afforded one eye to look up to take in the local sensory information before withdrawing it back to the tactical readouts. Intriguingly, it had not taken them long to make first contact with an alien species. A single, rather small shuttle-type craft was on approach towards the [i]Prize[/i]'s vector though Gue'rach had already reported this find to Carabello several minutes prior. It was evident that the craft posed no threat to the ISA vessel. The same couldn't be said regarding the much larger ship had jumped in from warp-travel and came to meet the Prize bow-forward at about a few kilometers apart. The vessel certainly seemed imposing but after several initial scans completed the assessment of the large unknown with the results appearing on his console, Gue'rach allowed some tension fade away. Despite its size, the alien's power output was notably inefficient in comparison with the [i]Prize[/i]. Additionally, comparison scans had also identified a number of design issues that plagued the vessel's key systems; the issues in question were mainly equivalent to outdated technological leaps which have since been resolved nearly a less than a century ago. Despite there being no hostile intent, getting into a fight with the larger underpowered ship would nevertheless be an ugly venture, but one they could surely win. While the tactical officer didn't approve of Captain Carabello's antics of annoying the escort by straying away from the guided path, the seemingly antagonizing gesture, at the very least, furthered the apparent oddball behavior of the aliens as they continued to speak through broadcasted text and kept their dialogue overly-simple and cryptic. It was quite clear they were religious sorts and Gue'rach had spoken with many religious leaders in the past and gathered a decent view of their practices and how they worked. If the behaviors witnessed were reflective of their culture and religion, he undoubtedly admitted they were by far the weirdest he had yet encountered. --- Per First Contact procedures, diplomacy between representatives of each group was ideal. Niccolò Carabello would possess the authority to speak on behalf of the ISA and was therefore key to the delegation that would meet with the natives. Gue'rach on the other hand, given his role as a tactical officer and his naturally large and imposing presence, would not be an ideal participant in negotiations. A soldier in the midst of a political delegation and a conceivably scary one at that could give the wrong impression; Gue'rach was all too familiar with previous encounters which either spooked or unintentionally antagonized opposite delegates during such meetings. As such, he sought to bring his usefulness elsewhere. [color=f7976a]"Since our current situation does not presently involve any dangers to act against,"[/color] Gue'rach began, [color=f7976a]"I would opt to accompany Lan'thar in her studies and provide the manpower and logistical support required. I will also advise our security teams of the nature of our operation and assign members to accompany our two groups should they be required,"[/color]