[hider=KGBeast]]Name: Antaloi Knyazev Alias: KGBeast, The Beast Image/Description: [hider=Costume][img]https://live.staticflickr.com/5601/15343509270_bea351b954_b.jpg/[/img][/hider]] [hider=Unmasked][img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-EuwFw-7ke0/maxresdefault.jpg[/img][/hider] Age: 58 Gender: Male Race: Human Alignment: Villain (Currently Assigned to Task Force X) Mentor: "The Hammer" Skills/Meta Abilities: The Beast is a classic example of the Cold War breed of super soldier created by the dozen in those days; KGB and Spetsnaz conditioning made him a monster of a combatant even before the cybernetic augmentations enhanced his strength, agility and stamina to Herculean levels. He is proficient in multiple martial arts, including Sambo, Boxing, and Systema, as well as nearly every sort of infantry-portable weaponry (and some less than portable weapon systems). One would be foolish to assume all of his strength is phsyical, however, as that same KGB training also made him nearly impossible to break mentally, as well as ensuring he was fluent in over half a dozen languages. His most iconic piece of equipment, however, is the gun that can be mounted onto his arm, which can be swapped out for various calibers of ammunition, or even grenades, and includes a retractable bayonet. All of this combined with his espionage training ensures that he is a foe that even the most skilled of non-Metahuman heroes dreads to face. Lucky for the Titans, he's on their side this time. Personality: Knyazev is a man that has lived up to the name given to him by both his allies and enemies. Cold, ruthless, living by a Darwinian code of the survival of the fittest. There are few prices too high for the sake of the mission in his mind. The fall of the Soviet Union only made this worse, as without the string of patriotism to keep him in check, he's been able to devote himself fully to that brutal game as a mercenary. He does at least hold friendship as something of value, and he his loyal to those that can win his respect, but none should ever make the mistake of thinking that he would sacrifice himself for them. After all, if they aren't strong enough to survive, then it is his duty to ensure that room is made for stronger people. Likes: Guns, knives, combat, Russian and Ukranian music, strength of body and character. Dislikes: American music, American politics, weakness, do-gooders. Backstory: Anatoli Knyazev was an extraordinary assassin who was in the employ of the KGB, the Soviet Union's secret police and intelligence agency. Anatoli Knyazev, code-named "The Beast" and known to the C.I.A. as the "KGBeast" was trained as an assassin by "The Hammer," a top secret cell of the KGB. In the days of the Cold War, he was a boogeyman who's mere mention cowed anti-Communist fighters from Vietnam to Afghanistan. Nobody's sure exactly how many he killed during his service to the Soviets, but most put the count at over 200. It was also during this time that he first came into conflict with Slade Wilson. Trails of bodies, Russian, American, Vietnamese, Afghani, and more served as messages between the pair as their feud escalated, even after Deathstroke went on to become a mercenary. Despite the bloodshed, however, the long-awaited battle never came to pass, and as the war ended and the Soviet Union collapsed, Knyazev would follow his rival into the sea of mercenaries flooding the world. Since then the legend of the KGBeast has started to fade. His missions were covert and picked up only by intelligence agencies and the odd superhero, the most famous being his conflict with Batman, wherein he terrorized Gotham for ten nights,and culminating with the attempted assassination of the president of the United States, and where he would lose his left hand. His recent capture by the JLA during a failed bank robbery (and later incident with the son of Morgaine le Fey), has left him in the perfect position for a certain rotund intelligence director, and now The KGBeast has finally been presented with the chance he's been waiting for for decades. The Beast will do battle with The Terminator.[/hider]