[hider=Blackpelt] [color=0054a6]Name:[/color] Blackpelt [color=0054a6]Gender:[/color] Tom [color=0054a6]Age:[/color] 36 moons [color=0054a6]Rank:[/color] Medicine cat [color=0054a6]Personality:[/color] Strict, but in a caring manner. Not afraid to tell you exactly what he thinks, even if you take offence. [color=0054a6]Appearance:[/color] [hider=Blackpelt] [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.zSU-yO5aEaP698_6Z8UKFwHaD4?pid=Api&rs=1&adlt=strict[/img] [/hider] [color=0054a6]Backstory:[/color] Born and raised in the clan, he walked out to the woods one day on a hunt, and got lost. He hid in a cave, and slept until the moon rose. He saw a large glowing pool, and, feeling thirsty, he lapped at it. He suddenly felt very [i]very[/i] tired. He curled up, but when he woke, he....wasn't on the ground anymore. Instead, he was surrounded with cats. But what manner of cats? They were made of [i]stars![/i] They told him that they were the ancestors of all good cats. But he noticed that they didn't talk about the bad cats. Strange. He woke up, and felt weak, and tired. He walked back to the group, and told them that he....had been away. [color=0054a6]Mate:[/color] None [color=0054a6]Kits:[/color] None [/hider]