[centre][h1][color=chocolate]Marcus[/color][/h1][/centre] Breathing shallowly, Marcus walked slowly through the darkened alleyways. Blake should've been able to get away so there was no need to worry about him at the moment-although that didn't rule out the possibility of the rest of the crew being captured. His arms began to grow stiff with tiredness and he decided that the goods needed to be dropped off somewhere while he investigated. After a while, he found an empty sack (he assumed it was used to store flour) and he discarded his belongings inside. Not wanting to lose them, he slung the bag over his shoulder. While it was still heavy, he could walk properly and limit the effect the weight had on his movements. Noting the direction in which the guard (the one who was clearly in charge), he followed stealthily. [hr] [centre][h1][color=8493ca]Anya[/color][/h1][/centre] [@Squirrel98] Anya followed the pair into the small room and carefully placed the rest of the jars near where the other two put theirs. Returning to the kitchen, she nervously played with the cuff of her blouse. She rarely came down to the galley, unless she was ordered to drop something off. Looking around, she stated [color=8493ca]'' It was really nice of you. Thanks.''[/color] Feeling out of place and like she was invading Jack's privacy, Anya continued '[color=8493ca]' I ought to check if Marcus has returned - we still need to work out which route we should take. I'll see you around''[/color]. Carefully she ducked out of the galley. Despite not understanding Jack's aversion to her presence, she didn't feel the need to ask why. It was like this for years, and she doubted that it would change anytime soon. Emerging onto the upper deck, she leaned over the edge of the ship to observe the town. The captain should be making his back now.