Wasteland growled and was getting closer right up until she saw that shard of rock lancing towards her, she dug claws into earth slowed abit then hurled herself to the side. At the same time Lex had fired a few more shots into the smoke when he heard a sound he hated. He dropped to one knee as the return fire came at him. He ducked his head to weather the return fire. By the time he lifted it most of the smoke had cleared, he swore rather loudly, something about fornication. Then teared towards the jeep they had left, he whistled as he raced over, shoving people aside as he ran, not stopping to see if they were hurt. He couldn't just leave it be right now not after this got started. As he vaulted the hood of the jeep Wasteland is right behind him, he jumps into his side of the jeep, kicks open the door for his dog, who then closes the door behind her. Yep, using those big jaws of hers. All the adrenaline in his system allows him to get the jeep started in record time, and they tear out of the little shadowy spot they had found, in pursuit of the bikes and chopper. He dug for his cellphone and rang up the first person he could think of, after abit he said, "Mr. Tseng? Sir? I'm following the target and two others on bikes right now with a chopper above us too, who's in that? Sir?" He swerves around a slower car in the road, "Who ever is in there sir, I hope they got some skills, the target has magic abilities, tore up the ground at my feet to throw off my aim." He swerves around a large truck in the road, still in pursuit, "Anyway I'm in pursuit sir. I'm not losing this target."