[b][center][hr][hr] [h1][color=09849f]Kwassi Asokho[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/730211580951920750/YsQSj9E_d.webp[/img] [hr][hr] [color=09849f]Location:[/color] Conference Room > Hallway [color=09849f]Skills:[/color] [hr][/center][/b] It appeared to him that a majority of those assembled were ready and willing to go. Whether that was a compliment to Hills status and the trust they placed in her, or a commentary on how vicious and terrifying she must be to all of them had yet to be seen. His eyes darted from person to person as they each spoke up and stated they were going on into the mission. Matt seemed to direct his attention towards him, offering him some guidance on who his leader would he during this excursion and shifting Kwassi's attention to Cassandra Reed. As if reading a file his eyes fixated on her and the words began to appear around her. Cassandra Reed: Age: 28 Class: Mutant Powers over seasonal manipulation and the mind and body of a tank. A communications major unlike any other. A snall smile formed on the corner of his lip as he took another sip. She would be a formidable leader and a great asset. His mindscape was broken when Agent Flynn began to throw a tantrum in the room. He knew his powers of fire were hot but he hadnt expected his temper to be. There was a time and place for those forms of outbursts and this was certainly one of them. It was like watching someone take a bullet for another. Flynn single handedly placed a target on his back for speaking out for what he believed in, something Captain America would easily do. And in doing so he paved the way for other Agents to falter in their resolve and see there is the option to fight and defect. Now the question was who stood by his side? And were they smart enough to play the game. S.H.I.E.L.D. was a massive organization and as Kwassi had stated before, they could make examples of Captain America. What they needed to do was work from the inside and root out the corruption to save the ideals. Flynn promptly left the room and surprisingly without a single burst of flames. Director Hill calling Agent Sullivan by a potentially derogatory name was another nail in her coffin. It was polarizing and seeing them all fall apart was almost too much to bear...almost. Kwassi made a mental note to speak to Agent Bautista later, alone. See if she could use her powers to put them in the room where it happened so to speak. Once Agent Reed had told them it was time to go and Director Hill seemingly said her piece, Kwassi gave Agent Sullivan a look that said i want to speak to you, before heading out of the meeting room in a light jog in an attempt to catch up to his missions lead. [Color=09849f]"My apologies for my absence in the meetings start, I hope I can do more to show you my resolve on the field. Agent Asokho, I look forward to seeing your leadership in action."[/color] He gave her a quick salute, his pace slowing slightly so that he trailed just behind her.