[hider="Well, if it isn't some of Marduk's guys. Wanna butt heads and see who comes out on top?"] [b]Name:[/b] Mathew S. (Samuel) Davies [b]Appearance:[/b] Mathew stands at 5" 8', and weighs almost three hundred pounds. His rotund figure is covered by an exceptional amount of brown hair, the young man even sporting side burns, and a mustache. His flab hides under it a thick layer of muscle, which can be seen when he strains himself. His attire is normally a white dress shirt, black slacks, and black dress shoes. [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Bio:[/b] A student of Ishtar's School for Creative Minds, Mathew's childhood was surprisingly pleasant. His father was an immigrant from Hermannreich who fled to Iliad to start a new life, and fell in love with Mathew's mother who was an Illiad native. Becoming an exceptionally powerful Magi, Mathew's father was able to afford a life of luxury for himself, his wife, and son. However Hermannreich had other plans as they prepared for an attack against Iliad and Mathew's father knew what he had to do. He returned to his home country, and died there dismantling as much of the attempted invasion as he could. Mathew's Father died a hero in Iliad, and as a traitor to Hermannreich. Poor Mathew, left without his father watched as his life began to fall apart. His mother had to work herself ragged to try to maintain a similar life style as they fell down the rungs of society, eventually ending up among the poorest denizens of the city for a time. Mathew took to stress eating and bouts of aggression, unable to handle the stress befalling him as he watched his mother almost go crazy trying to keep them afloat. His time at Ishtar became speckled in violent brawls and nasty fights with other students as he became something of a bully to his class mates. He became despised, but seemed to soak in the negative attention like a blubbery steak submerged in a sweet marinade. However, in his 15th year something happened to jar him from his path of degeneracy. His mother had brought home a man of ill repute, abusive and vile who had coerced her with promises of being a father for her faltering child, and a source of money for them to live. His lies hooked her deep, and she became infatuated with him for a time until he revealed his true evil. Beatings, death threats, and worse began to plague the Davie's household. Knowing this man was no good, and that he'd need to be able to protect himself and his mother, Mathew began to work on himself. He read from his father's old magical notes, and started to improve his body to turn the fat and flab he had built from his stress eating into muscle and physical power. Mathew and his new "Step-Father" came to blows constantly over the smallest of things, but what caused it all to come to a head was when Mathew saw him punch his mother in the jaw with a magically enhanced punch, breaking her teeth and jaw into a grizzly scene of blood and bone shards. Mathew struck his Step-Father in the side with a punch hard enough to snap ribs, but his Step-Father on a high of Adrenalin and rage unleashed a spell, attempting to flay the skin from Mathew's body. Deep wounds opened across Mathew's body as blood flowed freely and a sudden surge of light headedness was brought on by blood loss. Mathew, fearing for his life from this abusive monster unleashed every bit of strength he had left into a spell, unleashing one of the Dark Art's basic principles. He began to rip the life out of his Step-Father to heal his own wounds. As the tears in Mathew's flesh sealed, and blood returned to him he watched his step-father turn to dust before him. Carrying his mother to a healer, Mathew had to truly reflect upon what had happened. After being questioned by the authorities, it was ruled that Mathew had acted in self defense, and what he had done was to preserve his, and his mother's lives. Mathew took some of the time he had to himself to look deep in order to view himself What he found was that he was closer to the monster he had just put down than he liked, and realizing that his father would be so disappointed with how his life was going he has made efforts to turn himself around. What was once a raging bully and would be petty tyrant has become a much more thoughtful individual. [b]Mundane Skills:[/b] Boxing, "Botch" Style Wrestling, playing the Royal Game of Ur. [b]Magic: Son of the Patriot: Developed after his near death experience, this spell is a modified version of the Helpful Arts which allows Mathew to turn his skin a dark metallic gray, and inherit an exceptional amount of durability. This drains a high amount of stamina to maintain, but makes him virtually indestructible while the spell is active except against truly matter destroying effects. This is normally paired with Red Sun to keep his stamina up while he batters his foes with his wrestling and brawling skills. Red Sun: Using a combination of the Combat arts and the Dark Arts, Mathew creates a dome of red light around him about ten yards in radius. In this dome, the stamina and fatigue of all within it are drained into Mathew to reinvigorate him. The dome can be shattered by attacking it directly with magic, and doing so fatigues Mathew as he tries to maintain it. Crimson Bonds: A purely Dark Arts style spell, this spell attempts to rip the life from an enemy. This was the spell that Mathew used to save his own life when fighting his Step-Father. While the name implies actually absorbing blood from his foe, it actually draws life from the eyes of his opponent like a green mist, turning crimson as it flows into Mathew, either through open wounds or his mouth should he be healthy. Closing one's eyes after the spell has been cast will stop the flow, but doing so requires a strong sense of willpower. Disrupting eye-contact between Mathew and the target works as well. [/b] [b]Personality: "You still don't get it. In Iliad, people can die and kill for what they BELIEVE! Not for money, not for Poets! Not for what they're told is right. Every man is free to fight his own wars! Like my father before me, when Hermannreich comes around for round two, I'll be there to bring them down! Hermannreich is diseased, rotten to the core...There'll be no saving it. We'll need to rip them out by the roots, sunder it all, BURN IT DOWN! From the ashes of the old world, a new world will rise! Evolved, but untamed, without the useless hate mongering propaganda it's been poisoned with now. The Headmaster wants us to run and hide, like cowards. Not while I live....Wanna know why? "I have a dream." That one day, every person in this world will control their OWN destiny. A land of the TRULY free, dammit. A world of ACTION, not words. Ruled by STRENGTH, not committee. Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! " Bombastic barely caged fury is an apt description of Mathew's personality. While his older self was a rampaging bully, he has honed his fury into strength, true strength. He stands tall in the face of those who would try to push him or his friends around, or those who would topple Iliad. He feels that fleeing would simply leave them cornered, and that they must topple Hermannreich with overwhelming force in order to secure their future. He sees the rivalry between schools as foolish, but necessary to breed competition and push both to become as strong as possible. He is the son of the Patriot, and he will not falter! [/b] [b]Faction:Ishtar [/b] [b]Are you a Descendant of the Illuminated Poet?:[/b] No. [/hider]