As Darin spoke, the tempest inside Ridahne stilled. She could tell Darin felt terrible about the whole thing and Ridahne didn't necessarily want to make her feel worse. That wasn't her goal. She sat up against the meager headboard and gingerly laid the back of her hand against the bandages and the skin that burned underneath. In comparison, it felt cool, like the splash of an ocean wave on a sun-baked stone. The warrior sighed, long and deeply. It was as much an expression of her emotions as it was a release of the tension she'd been holding all night. "I would have helped you and guided your hand, you know that. But if you'd just told me...I would have understood. Really, I just wanted you to be there. Not many outsiders even see an ojih ritual, and especially not one that alters the course of Azurei history. Not to mention, this particular one involves you as the Seed Bearer. And I'd be lying to you if I said I wasn't a little disappointed I didn't get to share that with you. And maybe I could have waited but I'd gotten everything all ready, and I know, mentally ready and I just felt like I needed to do it tonight. But that's not why I'm upset. Not really. It's not that you weren't there, it's more that I don't really understand why." Ridahne paused, searching for the right words. After struggling for a moment, she switched over to Azurian, where she could express her thoughts more clearly and naturally. "You are my friend, Darin. I care about you, fiercely, and not just because you're the hope of Astra. But I need you to be open with me. You ran out on me twice today. That's a habit of yours, running. Something upsets you and you bolt off into the blue like the whole world is just this safe, harmless paradise of solitude. Aside from the logistical dangers of that like getting lost, or running straight into the hands of evil people, running like that doesn't solve your problems. I get needing space to sort out your thoughts, but running from them? Not only does it not help you confront your fears or worries, it alienates those who want nothing more than to help you." She shrugged helplessly. "I don't even know why you ran off tonight. Was it just the ojih thing? Is there more? I don't know, Darin. Do you not trust me? I'd rather see some ugly side of you than only see your back. And how can I help you and be there for you when you won't let me in?" She fidgeted with a loose thread of her blanket, curling it and uncurling it around her slim fingertip. "I just want you to talk to me. To be honest with me. And...I don't want to feel like a thing intentionally left behind." She tilted her head back to study a board on the ceiling that was a little lighter than the others, her expression somewhat petulant as she switched back to common Astran. "Anyway, I had all of those thoughts and feelings, and I was going to follow you, but then Mrixe had the gall to interfere and Darin, you would be so proud of me, I did not punch him." There was a note of humor in her voice. "He's a fine enough person on his own," she admitted. "But I chafe at the implication that either I'm a dangerous animal to be handled and managed, or that I'm doing a poor job as Guardian and need someone else to do it for me. That's the other reason I'm upset. Not your fault, but I did sort of snap at you and you deserve to know why."