End of week 1 wrap up post! So, one thing that I didn't want to do right away, save that a certain Tatterdemalion forced my hand on it, was to do issues post by post. Issues and XP actions are another thing to track and move posts from an average of 1 xp each (and a few beats per scene) to include character shifts over the course of a scene as well as extra free XP in a team pool. So, for the first week, I'm going to be doing it all as a wrap up here. Since this is a wrap-up, you'll be getting a bunch of stuff all at once. Going forward, I'm going to start flagging XP actions and their corresponding issues as they occur. Feel free to flag them for me if you want, but if you're not interested in thinking about this, you don't have to at all. So, here we go. [u]Rinley[/u] You got a point of something to deal with and a slice of life scene already. Your second XP action, from the first scene is actually slice of life, imo. You did a lot, but I think the core of it was contemplating on a warm day and petting a cat as you let the time go by. So you get a second point of somethig to deal with on top of it. [u]Dulcinea[/u] I think in your first scene, you posited science, faith, sorcery and went to test it with Rinley! Take 1 point of In Over Your Head In your second scene, I think you and Jasper had a Shared Reaction Take 1 point of Calling to go with that [u]Jasper[/u] Your second scene is easier because you and Dulcinea shared a Share Reaction For you though, I think it was about letting someone else guide you. So take 1 point of Trust And in your first scene, I'm unsure whether you did a Mystery or a Pastoral action. I'm going to lean in genre and say the focus was a Shared Reaction with Mila. Take 1 point of Calling to go with it [u]Mila[/u] In scene two you had a suffer corruption action and corresponding point of sickness In scene one, you had a shared reaction to Jasper's arrival Also take 1 point of Calling As a reminder, each single point issue is worth +1 MP (can go over your cap). The second point doesn't add anything. And here is the relevant emotional guidance for the issues listed here. [hider=Calling 1] You feel like there’s something you need to do, but you’re not sure what. You’ve forgotten, or you haven’t figured it out yet, or all the pieces haven’t come together yet for you to act. [/hider] [hider=In Over Your Head 1] You’re starting to get a sense of what’s going on here. You’re building a picture in your head, even if it’s hard to put it into words. But there’s a problem. Something isn’t right. There’s something here that just... doesn’t... fit. [/hider] [hider=Sickness 1] You feel kind of messed up. It’s harder than usual to just be happy and have fun. It’s harder than usual to cope with the little stuff. Life’s wearing you out. [/hider] [hider=Something to Deal With 2] You keep thinking about things you don’t want to think about. Your feelings are pushing their way out of you. It’s like a gigantic gum bubble blowing in your mind and heart. Everything around you seems a little bit unreal and far away. [/hider] [hider=Trust 1] You are not alone. [/hider]