[hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/H9epPjR.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/y8f0UJw.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/nn5VWsV.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/XRra6ku.png[/img] [b][code]Blake's Orgy Porgy Boat.[/code][/b][/center][hr][center][hider=M|O|O|N - Certainy][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K65ZiwvFs24[/youtube][/hider][/center][hr] [quote=Maya]“Why does he even need a boat so big? It isn’t like he can bang someone in every room at once. It’s like he’s asking us to steal his girls.”[/quote] "Mr. Schmidt is wealthy, of course, he wants to flaunt," Claudette bluntly said as she sighed at the whole "girl stealing" comment because... isn't that what got them into this mess in the first place? Still, this had gotten out of hand. "Probably overcompensating for [i]something[/i] if you ask me." Madison shrugged, "I heard that a lot of his little sugar babies leave [i]very[/i] disappointed." She chuckled. [quote=Maya]“Soooo, how are we splitting this? Since Lyss just left us as an uneven number. Five’s a bit big if you wanted smaller groups.”[/quote] A hiss escaped Madison's lips when Lyss left, but honestly, she knew that people like Lyss were better left to their own devices. [i]Given[/i] that Lyss was probably not as Maya or Quinn to be completely [s]blunt[/s] honest. She would have no chance of ruining things as Maya, but Madison had a plan. A plan that was banking on a certain newcomer... she probably wasn't going to like it, but Madison's end here was using her as [i]bait[/i]. The problem with the whole plan in the first place is that Blake proooobably seen the lot of them ([i][s]Worst of all, he saw me when I was drunk as fuck...[/s][/i]). Madison was [i]banking[/i] on him not remembering all of them but knowing Schmidt... but Grace here was a newcomer! Honestly, Madison had no idea why she was here or where she came from (but she knew that Kayla would have blown a gasket if she found out). So, Madison was going to put her to work, work as in using her as bait for Blake. Now, that kinda sucked, but it was a great plan in her head! She was an Asian-gal and Blake was pretty much every horny sex-crazed white guy put together. He sees some pretty Asian bombshell and he'll be all over her... and then the Coven would have him. However, Madison was going to keep this to herself because that was a surefire way to lose Grace... well, to be honest, she was new and Madison is still unsure of [i]why[/i] she's even here. Either way, it won't be any loss to Madison whether she stays here or not because the Coven loses people like it's no tomorrow. Plus, it'd be a great way to gauge if Madison should put her on the same boat as Vashti. "Actually, you're [i]right[/i] Maya" Madison started as she looked at Maya and walked towards Grace at the same time. "Claudette, your power is better suited for hiding stuff, you should stay with Maya just in case." "Um, Mademoiselle..." Claudette said before stopping herself. "... As you wish." "You... Grace," Madison said to Grace as she tried to remember her name. "You're going to come with me. Everyone else, stay put." This was Madison's way of keeping probably these two out of the way... she would have told them not to come on the boat in the first place but in case things go south they'd [i]definitely[/i] be helpful - but that's the worst-case scenario and Madison was [i]definitely[/i] going to do everything in her power to prevent that. However, Madison trusted Claud and Claud would [i]never[/i] let these two fuck things up. Claudette didn't know what Madison's plan was but trying to decipher Madison these past few weeks were a [i]real[/i] roller coaster. She shook her head as she put her hands on her hips and looked between the two. So she was [i]once again[/i] put in the role of den mother to a pair of idiots. [i]Lovely.[/i] However, Claudette figured it was best that they stay out of sight and back here... hopefully. She knew that Blake would probably, more likely than not, recognize [i]her[/i] as well. And she didn't exactly look all that flattering in a [url=https://www.joma-sport.com/files/0001/jomabeta987543098359809538245098/web.system/assets/products/20161128183701.900442.300.jpg]swimsuit[/url]. "Alright, let's just..." Claudette trailed off, "Stay back here for now, yes?" [i]And not ruin everything for the third time in a row, Maya.[/i] "Grace, let's talk," Madison said as she opened the door to the interior of the boat. "So... why did you decide to join the Coven, if you don't mind me askin', girl? You seem a bit too..." Madison looked her up and down. "... [i]Normal[/i] for the Coven. Too normal to be hanging around Quinn's nutty ass."