[hr][CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/never-really-over-font/][img]https://i.imgur.com/bftdLNR.png?2[/img][/url] "[color=#FFD700]Fine.[/color]" "[color=#FF5757]Not as bad as you think actually, I'm actually quite impressed.[/color]" [hr]—————————————————— [sub]Tampa General Hospital - Parking Garage[/sub][/center] [indent] Quinn and Grace just eyed each other as soon as Vashti stormed away, though as Grace looked up at Quinn, she could already tell what is going in her mind, "[color=#FFD700]Now isn't the time for introductions.[/color]" She said to Grace as she nodded, this was definitely a terrible first impression to her but due to how positive this girl is, it is going to take a lot more than a pissed off Vashti to drive her away. Quinn honestly had no clue what drove this girl to join the coven even, it was kinda stalker-y if you asked her. "[color=#FF5757]Not as bad as you.[/color]" Said Grace in a half-joking type of way which had Quinn just glare at her but Grace just laughed at it since this tall, angry, goth looking chick is not as terrifying as she thinks she is, her summons on the other hand are definitely an entirely flight of stairs up compared to her. Since Quinn was still a little down from the [s]murder[/s] death of Elise, she did not even care about how much the other people in the coven berated her and just yelled at her. "[color=#FFD700]Alright, I will.[/color]" She said to Madison in full agreement, that never happens, Quinn never agrees with anyone or follows anyone completely, it was clear that she was definitely changing because of Elise's death. Is it for the better? It is not certain just yet. As soon as everyone agreed to meeting in an hour and everyone had left, Grace quickly pulled Quinn off to the side. "[color=#FFD700]What-[/color]" She was immediately cut off with a light slap to her cheek from the shorter girl. Quinn's eyes went wide and her hand moved to rest on cheek. "[color=#FFD700]The fuck was that for?[/color]" Grace leaned back a bit and crossed her arms before pointing at her. "[color=#FF5757]Get it together! My dad has told- complained to me about Schmidt for like his entire time here and he does not fuck around so you need to have your head in the damn game.[/color]" Said Grace, now taking the lead in this conversation. Quinn had this look of annoyance and confusion on her face, she was not aware that Grace as capable of domming her, who knew. "[color=#FF5757]Now tell me your swimsuit size and we're going to meet in Tampa bay, don't wear too much you're going to be changing.[/color]" With that the conversation ended, Quinn was stunned to say the least but also impressed at how Grace did that. [center]—————————————————— [sub]Orgy Yacht, the gross and rich variation[/sub][/center] "[color=#FFD700]I already hate this.[/color]" Said Quinn as she looked down at her [url=https://dynamic.zacdn.com/6Q96dSTbb9YhJM0BynQP-wXjCas=/fit-in/346x500/filters:quality(95):fill(ffffff)/http://static.hk.zalora.net/p/zafiti-2581-3497515-1.jpg]backless black swimsuit[/url], thin black skirt wrap up, sunhat, and aviators which were the only thing that were hers. Grace smiled as she adjusted the the black skirt wrap up on Quinn who stood there in defeat to make her presentable. Grace herself wore a basic white bikini with a nice [url=https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1lHvnIr1YBuNjSszeq6yblFXaZ.jpg_q50.jpg]white lace cover up[/url] over it and her own pair of sunglasses. "[color=#FF5757]You look great! Just don't do anything uh...[/color]" They then looked at each other and simultaneously said. "[color=#FFD700]Me.[/color]" "[color=#FF5757]You.[/color]" Quinn then quietly stood there, arms crossed with a resting bitch face as Grace was fixing her own outfit. Though this was interrupted by Madison who called upon her. "[color=#FF5757]Yeah?[/color]" She replied as she followed her, Madison then asked the question why she was with Quinn. There really is not much of a reason to put too much thought into this question, Quinn was a means to get her ass into the coven since they already kind of knew each other from her frequent visits at American rust. Grace then shrugged her shoulders and said, "[color=#FF5757]I dunno, I wanted to something exciting with people like me.[/color]" Madison then added and said that she was normal which Grace could not help but chuckle at, "[color=#FF5757]Yes yes I understand that Quinn is a little... Uh... Let's call it [i]Fēng[/i] (Crazy), but that doesn't mean she's unreliable. She did just save my ass back in Fantasy Land so I suppose I owe it her, well that and she was the reason I got in it with you guys in the first place.[/color]" She then looked at Quinn who was pulling on the straps on her swimsuit since she was uncomfortable and continued, "[color=#FF5757]If you annoy her enough she'll do anything. And now I'm here.[/color]" She said with a smile as she brushed her hair back. "[color=#FF5757]And Quinn isn't necessarily a bad person, she just had different ideals, different motivations, different reasonings, call me corny but first impressions are fucking terrible. And whatever your first impression on Quinn is must have been terrible.[/color]" Quinn looked at Maya then back to Grace and Madison, then back to Maya before letting out a sigh, "[color=#FFD700]I need a smoke, why don't this stupid swimsuits have pockets... Fuck.[/color]" With that she listened to Madison and stayed put, there was no reason to engage, especially since she did not have a summon out right now, and it would be unwise to do anything especially since this was kind of like a stealth mission that does not need Quinn to Quinn it all up and ruin it for everyone. Then again, this Blake Schmidt does not know what she looks like, and neither does he know Grace so maybe the duo of them together might help, unless those rednecks from the strip club ratted her out then maybe it will not be as good as she had hoped. [/indent][hr] [color=#BDBDBD][sub][right]Interactions: [/right][/sub][/color]