“No. No. Stop that. On your feet, you’re going to put a crick in my neck.” Vasilia waved her up impatiently. “And no, it certainly does [i]not[/i] please me. We’re too few to start making heroic sacrifices just yet. Besides, if the shuttles spread out their landings at all, you won’t stop more than one. Right now, all I’d like from all of you?” She braced herself at the helm. “Is to hang on.” And sent the shuttle into a nosedive. “Dolce, my dear?~” She sang out, knuckles white on the throttle. “Would you find us something dangerous?” “There’s a boulder that’s not a boulder, at…” He blinked, staring through the foliage whipping against the viewscreen. “10 o’clock. Fifty five degrees portside.” “Wonderful!” She cackled, and they were off. Flitting through the trees, engines burning as hot as they could, and buzzing creature after creature by a hands-breadth. By the time the sleepy monstrosities had gotten themselves upright, their shuttle was long gone, and all they could see were the Imperial shuttles high above, firing loudly and flying in a straight line. [Rolling to Overcome the nonsense from the forest: 5 + 5 + 2 = [b]12[/b]]