[Prior to the Wormhole entry] Robin moved through the cave with her claymore sword in her sheath. The only light being provided was from the lake of lava, and even with it she saw the massive dragon Fakcoth laying there asleep. Robin took a deep breath as the creature turned it's head with his massive green eyes wide open. Fakcoth said, "Have you come to die human?" Robin shook her head and replied, "[color=00aeef]Not this day monster! For today I avenge my brothers and sisters in arms, the villages you have laid to waste, and most of all..."[/color] She unsheathed her sword and said, "[color=00aeef]With my father's blade his spirit will know peace this day. I will avenge him!"[/color] She steadied herself and said. "[color=00aeef]Prepare to be vanquished foul creature[/color]!" The dragon raised up and was 10 times Robin's height. He towered over her as he said, "Such brave words little one. Perhaps I will keep you as my pet, or merely dispose of you as easily as your father. If I could remember who he was." Robin let out an almost primitive yell as she charged forward. Just then Fakcoth vanished into a fine mist along with the cave leaving Robin standing in an empty holo-chamber. Wearing a holo-suit (think a motion capture suit) and holding her sword she looked around. Robin yelled with great exasperation, "[color=00aeef]Computer! What the Hell is going on? I am still technically on leave for another one hour and fifty minutes! Ten minutes to slay the dragon and then about an hour and a half to celebrate, and then ten minutes to get to ready to go back on duty. I had this thing timed down to the minute![/color]" The computer replied, "The Prize is preparing to enter Kepler's Passage within the next thirty minutes. Bridge crew is to report to stations." On one hand Robin's scientific mind was quickly engaged in what was about to happen. On the other hand, she had been working on this holo-program for months to finally reach the mighty Fakcoth. She rolled her eyes and said, "[color=00aeef]Fine. Computer save program authorization Commander Robin Pearson 126-068 Kappa Epsilon Nu.[/color]" The computer replied, "Acknowledged. Program saved." Robin slung her sword over her shoulder and exited the holo-chamber. She should've been on duty three days ago, but Nick always made sure Robin got three additional days if she was undergoing treatment on her unit. He didn't think it was fair that not only was her body of out of sync after being under for two days but so was her mind. So Nick always granted her three days of downtime on the ship, and this holo-chamber excursion was her way of letting loose. Nick was the only person on the ship who knew how to find Robin during her recovery time. Everyone else was not to even think of trying to find her unless it was an emergency, and it was Nick's decision as to what was an emergency. Walking down a hallway with a sword over one's shoulder usually would be cause for concern, but not in this case. Everyone else was getting ready for the trip down the wormhole as Robin made her way to her quarters. Robin entered her quarters and said, "[color=00aeef]Computer shower on usual setting[/color]" The shower came to life as Robin put her sword in the sheath in her closet. Her great grandmother said that it had belonged to one of her ancestors, and she felt that Robin had earned it when she graduated commando school. Robin stripped out of her holo-suit and stepped into the shower. She did enough to get the sweat off of her and washed her hair. ___ Once she had her uniform on Robin was practically in a wind-sprint to the Bridge. She had heard stories about people who failed to strap in before entering a worm hole, and how badly they were thrashed about. Someone told her it was like trying to ride a bucking bronco from underneath the bronco. She had no intention of becoming another story as she finally arrived on the bridge. Without even saying anything Robin strapped into her seat, said a short prayer, and then turned her attention to her instrument panel. The messages and everything else made Robin's mind spin somewhat. On one hand the scientific aspect was fascinating. On the other hand, the way everything was unfolding Robin's commando training was making the hair on the back of her neck stand up. Once the Captain finished his briefing Robin said, "I'll be joining the surface team with your permission Captain." She looked over at Elm and said, [color=00aeef]"Dr. Robin Pearson ship's science officer welcome aboard.[/color]" Robin paid attention to everything Mason said. When he finished speaking Robin said, "[color=00aeef]I'll get the gear in the science lab ready to go within the hour. If we follow standard 'First Contact' procedures we should be prepared for just about every contingency[/color]." She raised one eyebrow and said, "[color=00aeef]In theory of course[/color]." [b][u]Mentions/Interactions[/u][/b] [@Tortoise] [@Raylah] [@Randomness]