As usual there is a steady sound from the smithy that Koglan Ironweaver works out of. It'd been three months now since he had laid with Siwa and given her his part to her litter. And a few times since then she'd returned. Much to his quiet amusement. He admits that she's interesting company. On top of that her idea to start fashioning rings, necklaces and bracelets has paid fruit. Those strange coins that the humans use for currency he believes the word is, had come in, for his work he got a small amount of them and had learned that they could be used in trade. Which confused him to no end. It sounded like the humans could use them to buy goods and services, unlike with the goblins where all were welcome to their good and fortune as long as they put in the work. It didn't quite make sense to him, not really. But from those fruits borne from making adornments he'd increased his iron supply and his ten few steel ingots had growned to nineteen, good strong steel to be used when the right time came. At the moment he's working on a knife, a good long curved blade, something at scout or hunter might use. As he works heating the weapon billet he looks out the window to his forge and sees someone he was not expecting. That looks like Siwa. And he's really not sure why she'd be here at his forge any. He hums and places the knife billet on the edge of the furnace and uses a rag to dry and wipe his hands clean. Then walks towards the door to his forge. Waiting and watching the young gobliness approach, arching a brow curiously, "Hello there, young goblin." He starts then quirks his head to the side, "What brings you here? Are you okay Siwa?" He looked her over and her obviously gravid state. He hums softly curious for her reasons.