[centre][h1][color=chocolate]Marcus[/color][/h1][/centre] As he walked, Marcus realised that they were getting closer to the docks. That was bad- someone might've ratted them out. While it was unlikely, Marcus still felt betrayed. No one was supposed to know about the city in which they planned to stop meaning that a crew member might've let it slip while they were still at sea. Someone really should monitor the messenger birds coming in and out. Taking out his crossbow from under his cloak, Marcus carefully observed the guard who began to talk to a lanky spriggan. There was less noise around- he could finally focus in on what the man was saying. [hr] [centre][h1][color=8493ca]Anya[/color][/h1][/centre] [@Blade17] [color=8493ca]''I'm sure that your did you best. Besides, I don't see any guards around here- I doubt anything bad happened''[/color] muttered Anya looking out onto the town. Assuming that Marcus was captured and therefore Blake couldn't find him, someone would have to take over as captain. However, if the guard was looking for them, then everyone would be panicked and there would be no one level-headed to give out orders. No one really was used to being in charge of the entire crew and Anya could still recall the early days of Marcus' leadership where even he didn't know what to do. She understood that they had to leave before sunrise, but leaving would be useless without a leader. Without looking up, she asked [color=8493ca]''How mad do you think Marcus would be if someone were to disobey an order?''[/color]