[color=0072bc][i]“I’ve encountered more poachers in the area and discover that they are targeting Fae. Chance——target——what’s happ——”[/i][/color] The telepathic lines cut off. Adrain looked at his ring with confusion before turning back to Nessa. He felt the magic inside him being blocked and since the enchantment required mana, it stopped working. Was it that strange powder? If it was, who would be capable of creating something this potent?. He quickly pulled out his notebook and started writing. [color=0072bc][i]“I can’t feel my magic. This will do. Chance might be a target for poachers. Need to find him.” [/i][/color] [hr] The ritual for opening a portal in the vail took a few days to prepare. In the meantime, Haki was taken to the heart of the world tree where he would have an audience with the queen. He didn’t know what she wanted but as they enter the heart an old memory resurfaced. He remembered this place. When he first tapped into his Druidic magic, he was taken to this same place where he swore allegiance to the queen of fairies and took an oath to protect the world. He brushed the old memory away and turn to face Tatiana who stood in the middle of a large open room with a magic circle etched into the floor. She turned and face Haki with a soft smile. [color=ec008c]“My child let me tell you a story. Once there was a man, who in death would become a Lich. He plunged the world into darkness but was cast away by a hero. Now he is returning. The world is at risk. thus I’m allowing you to return. To face this threat. But you cannot leave as you are. There are limits to your powers that must be broken. This will not be pleasant.”[/color] Suddenly everything became bark. The world disappeared from view as thousand of stars emerged from the darkness. Haki could see everything between the veil and all thing that was to transpire. He was then engulfed in an overwhelming presence. His body was ripped apart and put together. His magic was taken then replaced. His soul changed until it became unbearable. Everything faded away as he slipped into unconsciousness.