[@Ammokkx] Well said my dude. When I said "every rule you can think of has a time and place where it works and doesn't work." I was saying that you can use "Said."You can also tell instead of show. You can even write what you don't know. If you know what you're doing. That advice was designed for new writers who commonly make those mistakes. The problem with writing advice is that writing is a complex thing, and important advice is stripped down to a single phrase that can be easily misinterpreted without the rest of the lesson. Even the bible's lesson to "do unto others as you would like done onto you" isn't entirely accurate. Should I hand my life's savings over to a stranger because I'd like someone to do that to me? NO! You don't do that! Instead you treat everyone around yourself with respect and the good will that you've cultivated will come back to you. Still not sure what any of this has to do with Bill and Bob's submarine though.