[h3][center][b][color=F8F8FF] Moosepaw [/color][/b][/center][/h3] [center][img] https://static.wixstatic.com/media/ae7346_c35e2e9e24c84011893c32a1fc73d6b2.jpg/v1/fill/w_624,h_415,al_c,lg_1,q_80/ae7346_c35e2e9e24c84011893c32a1fc73d6b2.webp [/img][/center] [center] [color=F8F8FF][b]Age:[/b][/color] 10 moons [color=F8F8FF][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Tom [color=F8F8FF][b]Rank:[/b][/color] Apprentice [color=F8F8FF][b]Personality:[/b][/color] He is a very silent and observant cat when on patrol or training with his mentor. Otherwise he is very casual and friendly with his fellow apprentices. He is loyal to a fault to the clan and the code. He also has a deep seated fear of badgers. [color=F8F8FF][b]Description:[/b][/color] He is a very large cat with very fluffy brown and black hair that requires excessive grooming. His hair flows out around him giving him the trait of what almost looks like a lion’s mane. [color=F8F8FF][b]Backstory:[/b][/color] When Moosepaw was 3 moons old he was abandoned by his Twolegs along with his mother. For the next 3 moons he wandered with his mother heading toward Willowclan territory. His mother had heard rumors of cats banding together out in the wilderness from other kittypets that had smelled Willowclan’s scent markers. She figured that was the safest place for her and her son. During the 3 moons of travel Moosepaw was shown the dangers of the forest by his mother. When they arrived on the outskirts of Willowclan territory they were attacked by a badger… Moosepaw’s mother was big enough to hold it off for long enough to let him escape into clan territory. His mother did not survive the encounter. [color=F8F8FF][b]Mate:[/b][/color] None [color=F8F8FF][b]Kits:[/b][/color] None [/center]