[quote=@Master Bruce] 0/10, on account of the app being anything other than Martha "Batman" Wayne. You rejected the voice of the people, so to hell with you! [hider=To hell, I say!][@Morden Man]'s Mr. Terrific is [b]approved.[/b][/hider] [/quote] Clik. Clik. Clik. A curious noise startled the two crooks from their hideous deeds. "What was that!?" "Shuddup! We need dis money. Who would dare make a move on us in a city this bent? We let Flass dip his beak so we get to move the goods. Simple as that. Now MOVE." Clik. Clik. Clik. The first goon slipped and staggered on something as he carried his crate before he regained his balance and checked his feet for what nearly tripped him up. He looked down and saw them... Loose pearls! Raising his head back up, he caught a glimpse of gritted teeth behind a lipsticked grimace. "IT'S THE BAT!!" he cried out, as the string of remaining pearls cut into his neck and he was dragged off his feet into the darkness. His partner drew cold steel and fired hot lead blindly into the dark. The freaks. This city used to be so simple. Grease the right palms and a man could make out a dishonest living if he were willing to get dirty enough. Now there were freakjobs and lunatics like the Bat poking their well made up faces and furry stolls into the mix. But he emptied a full clip into the darkness. The deafening silence in response both simultaneously disquieting and promising that maybe he'd done enough to tag her, or at least take flight. That's what bats do isn't it? He tried to reassure himself. Surely that's what happened, right? He backed up down the alley until he felt a solid bump from behind which startled him and knocked him to the ground. The darkness given statuesque form on three-inch heels. "What the Hell are you?!" He cried out. A dark growl penetrated the night from the woman who was once Martha Wayne, the outraged response to a woman who had everything stolen from her - husband and son - by the worst this city had to offer. [Color=Darkgray][b]"I'm Batman!"[/b][/color]