[hider=Noah Darling Jr.] [center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/RlsWZwOE_GxTwv4iCHUk9aVilAEvtLKihwXUBC1xye4/https/i.imgur.com/thLrSHX.png?width=428&height=577[/img][/center] [color=A49A90]Name:[/color] Noah Darling Jr. [color=A49A90]Age:[/color] 19 [color=A49A90]Guild Mark Location:[/color] Behind his right ear. [color=A49A90]Magic Type:[/color] [quote][b][i][color=A49A90]Celestial Spirit Magic[/color][/i][/b]; As a celestial wizard, this spatial magic allows Noah to summon Celestial Spirits by opening their gates through the use of Celestial Spirit Gate Keys. [/quote] [quote][b][i][color=A49A90]Spirit Transformation Magic[/color][/i][/b]; A unique spatial magic that allows Noah to astral project by materializing his spirit and causing it to leave his body. Though his spirit form appears translucent and ghostly, it is capable of physically interacting with the world, fly, and pass through solid objects. While in spirit form, his physical body is left vulnerable to assault and remains in a sleep-like state until he returns to it. The down side to this magic is that he is unable to use his keys while in spirit form. [/quote] [hider=Spells] *Currently, he can only open one gate at a time for his Celestial Spirits. *His heart condition ultimately hinders how much he can exert his magic power. Over usage causes serious heart pains, incapacitation, and potentially death. [b][i][color=A49A90]Celestial Spirit Gate Keys[/color][/i][/b] [color=silver]*Gold Keys Owned[/color] [color=silver][url=https://fairytail.fandom.com/wiki/Capricorn]Gate of the Goat Key: Capricorn[/url][/color] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytail/images/1/11/Capricorn_Key.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20141025030953[/img] [color=silver][url=https://fairytail.fandom.com/wiki/Aries]Gate of the Ram Key: Aries[/url][/color] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytail/images/6/64/Aries_Key.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20110718150626[/img] [color=silver]*Silver Keys Owned[/color] [url=https://i.imgur.com/e0ZIgVH.jpg]Gate of the Cup Key: Crateris[/url] Based on the Crater Constellation, the celestial spirit mage may be able to summon the Cup Crateris by reciting the quote, "Open the Gate of the Cup! Createris!" This key summons Crateris, a sentient china teacup floating on a saucer. It has a face and a chip on its rim. Crateris is a great conversationalist, but can be a little too chatty. It can fill itself up with any kind of drink that the mage desires. [url=https://i.imgur.com/HW2OTRD.jpg]Gate of the Level Key: Norma[/url] Based on the Norma Constellation, the celestial spirit mage may be able to summon the Level Norma by reciting the quote, "Open the Gate of the Level! Norma!" This key summons Norma, who appears as a young woman wearing a dress and a hat. Norma can create platforms for walking and standing on, stairs for reaching high or low places, and she can create doors on solid surfaces, allowing people to walk through the door on one side of a structure and walk through another door to come out on the opposite side of that structure. [url=https://i.imgur.com/oIZJ9MQ.jpg]Gate of the Whale Key: Ceti[/url] Based on the Cetus Constellation, the celestial spirit mage may be able to summon the Whale Ceti by reciting the quote, "Open the Gate of the Whale! Ceti!" This key summons Ceti, a giant whale that can fly through the sky and carry passengers on its back. It can also carry passengers in its mouth for underwater travel. [url=https://i.imgur.com/pRQpUSt.png]Gate of the Air Pump Key: Vitter[/url] Based on the Antlia Constellation, the celestial spirit mage may be able to summon the Air Pump Vitter by reciting the quote, "Open the Gate of the Air Pump! Vitter!" This key summons Vitter, a peculiar metallic air pump that resembles a pata gauntlet and attaches to Noah's left arm. Vitter is sentient, and speaks in fading whispers in the wind. Through the use of this air pump, Noah can control the wind in a 30m radius around himself. He can control the wind to buffet others with a continuous stream of strong winds, strong enough to make moving forward difficult or literally knock people off their feet. Using Vitter, Noah can create violent swirling winds to cause utter disarray and disorientation, blasts of wind, and even small tornadoes. [color=silver][url=https://fairytail.fandom.com/wiki/Horologium]Gate of the Clock Key: Horologium[/url][/color] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytail/images/2/24/Horologium_Key.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20110718151056[/img] [hr] [color=silver]*Keys Not Owned *Keys to potentially earn later[/color] [color=silver][url=https://fairytail.fandom.com/wiki/Sagittarius]Gate of the Archer Key: Sagittarius[/url][/color] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytail/images/0/0d/Sagittarius_Key.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20110718150849[/img] [color=silver][url=https://fairytail.fandom.com/wiki/Pisces]Gate of the Paired Fish Key: Pisces[/url][/color] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytail/images/5/5a/Pisces_key.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20130119174841[/img] [color=silver][url=https://fairytail.fandom.com/wiki/Gemini]Gate of the Twins Key: Gemini[/url][/color] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytail/images/7/7c/Gemini_Key.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20110718150757[/img] [color=silver][url=https://fairytail.fandom.com/wiki/Lyra]Gate of the Lyre Key: Lyra[/url][/color] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytail/images/1/10/Lyra_Key.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20110718151128[/img] [color=silver][url=https://fairytail.fandom.com/wiki/Caelum]Gate of the Chisel Key: Caelum[/url][/color] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytail/images/1/1f/Caelum_Key.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20110718151221[/img] [color=silver][url=https://fairytail.fandom.com/wiki/Polaris]Gate of the Bear Cub Key: Polaris[/url][/color] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytail/images/f/f0/Polaris_Key.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20141109213252[/img] [color=silver][url=https://fairytail.fandom.com/wiki/Pyxis]Gate of the Compass Key: Pyxis[/url][/color] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytail/images/7/71/Pyxis%27_Key.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20160801210104[/img] [url=https://i.imgur.com/l8HIvnT.jpg?1]Gate of the Unicorn Key: Yunan[/url] Based on the Monoceros Constellation, the celestial spirit mage may be able to summon the Unicorn Yunan by reciting the quote, "Open the Gate of the Unicorn! Yunan!" This key summons Yunan, a humanoid unicorn whose horn can create a blinding and destructive flash of light, or, when washing the light over allies, it cures them of sadness and pain, though the effect is only temporary and can become addictive if used too often. [/hider] [color=A49A90]Magic Rank:[/color] B [color=A49A90]Equipment:[/color] [color=silver]Dragon Soup:[/color] A novel that he has read over a million times, written by famous mage author, Fable Witzerplot. This novel has brought him much comfort and calms his nerves and anxieties whenever he reads it. He carries it everywhere with him (as it is small enough to fit in his pocket). [color=silver]Key Ring:[/color] For carrying all his celestial spirit gate keys. [color=silver]Heart Monitor Bracelet:[/color] A magical bracelet that monitors his heart condition. If his heart is working too much, the bracelet starts to beep, notifying him to slow or stop doing whatever he is doing that is causing his heart to beat faster. [color=A49A90]Strengths:[/color] [color=silver]Business Savy;[/color] People usually underestimate Noah because of his personality, but fail to see his inner flame. He is actually very keen and possesses a business acumen, capable of understanding the nuances of a transaction or business interaction (thanks to his father). His weak-nature often plays to his advantage in these kind of situations. [color=silver]Wealthy;[/color] To put it blankly, Noah is rich, filthy rich. Need I say more? [color=silver]Baking;[/color] He is a really talented baker (thanks to his mother), and loves to bake all kinds of breads and pastries and sweets, especially for his friends. [color=A49A90]Weaknesses:[/color] [color=silver]Wimp;[/color] Noah is easily frightened. He's not very strong willed, so some of his gate keys don't listen to him consistently. He is probably too nice for his own good and doesn't know how to defend himself if people are being mean or saying harsh things to him, causing him to cry or apologize more than necessary. He's a bit of a coward. [color=silver]Weak Body;[/color] Noah has a really weak and sickly body, so he is susceptible to injury more than others. Because of this, he isn't very athletic or good in physical combat. [color=silver]Heart Condition;[/color] Noah was born with a rare heart condition that no magic or doctors have yet been able to cure. Whenever he overexerts himself physically or when using his magic, his heart begins to hurt (he usually clutches his chest when he's having heart pain). The pain usually goes away in a bit after he stops doing whatever he was doing or when he stops using magic. Becoming emotionally riled up can also trigger these heart pains. [color=silver]Materialistic;[/color] Similar to his father, Noah has shown a materialistic side, exhibiting a desire to spend money more than he probably needs to and enjoys buying expensive merchandise and clothing. Although Noah is humble and doesn't act like his money makes him better than anyone, he really enjoys shopping, despite the fact that he could be putting his money to better use. [color=A49A90]Personality:[/color] Noah has a weak heart and a seemingly weak personality. He lacks confidence in himself and can become easily frightened, discouraged, or anxious about things. He's a bit of a delicate flower, unable to stand up for himself due to his soft-spoken nature and excessive need to apologize. The poor lad is a cry baby and is the type that needs reassurance from others when he feels he is at fault. Although he is more of a listener than a talker, he isn't shy and is very easy to talk to and loves being around other people, as he is the type to feel lonely. From his experiences, there is something about Noah that makes everyone want to protect him. Despite all this, there is a certain fire that burns within him, as he has a great desire to stand up to those who may try to hold him back and is deceptively keen. While he is humble, thoughtful, and modest, and tries not to make light of his family's wealth, he is not above using his good fortune to buy something that he eagerly desires, showing a rather materialistic side as he is into shopping. Despite his lack of courage and self-confidence, he does possesses a distinct business acumen and has a strong devotion to his family's company and continued success. People tend to take his soft nature for being naive (which is not the case). [color=A49A90]History/Bio:[/color] The Darlings are of old money, whose lineage originates from the city of Margaret Town. Their family wealth began many generations ago when Noah's great great great (great?) grandmother opened up a small clothing boutique called "Darling's Boudoir of Things", and from there, the store took off, allowing her to open up several other clothing boutiques in riverside city. Over the generations of the Darling family, the company has grown exponentially, as there are many of these stores all throughout Fiore, and they even expanded their wares, eventually opening up several "Darling's Apothecary" stores as well. Though the Darling Company's headquarters continue to reside in Margaret Town, there is a sub-headquarters location operating out of Crocus, which is wear Noah and his parents reside. When Noah was a young boy, his parents believed that their mansion with the ocean view was haunted. Every night they claimed to see a ghostly and translucent young boy prancing about the corridors, running along the promenade, and flying over the ocean. After hiring a Mage (Spirit Channeler) who specialized in communicating with spirits and ghosts, this person would make a startling revelation. This ghost was their son. After a series of tests, it was in fact true. Every night, Noah had been leaving his body as a spirit and playing about the mansion under the honest belief that he was simply dreaming. This was the first time his parents realized their son could use magic. But this magic would remain largely ignored by his parents as time went on, as they had more pressing matters to attend to, like the heart condition he developed (no amount of money could find a magic or treatment for his heart condition, not yet anyways). As one might suspect, the Darling's lived a rather lavish lifestyle and did not shy away from making use of the fortunes that life and lineage allotted them. They hosted masquerade balls that only the richest of folk could attend, and Mr. Darling Sr had a proclivity for collecting rare and strange treasures from underground auctions. Noah grew up in this environment, primarily raised by his family's domestic servants and in-house attendants. Despite being spoiled and given a life where he could have whatever he wanted, Noah was lonely for a while. Naturally, his father was always so busy with company work that he often kept himself locked away in his library when he was home. Noah's mother helped his father run the company as well, so personal time with them was always limited. But they were loving folks and he was grateful for that. Noah attended a private institution for other rich kids, where he was excessively bullied due to his heart condition which made him inferior physically and magically to his peers. He always had to sit out of activities that required him to exert his body or magic power. This experience helped to shape his seemingly fragile and weak, but humble personality, as he found it difficult to cope in such an environment and did whatever he could to find classmates that were kind and didn't allow their wealth to completely cloud their judgement and treatment of others. This school had a very classist mentality. As the Heir to the Darling Company, Noah was not the snooty know-it-all rebellious type that one might expect of a rich kid. He greatly understood the privileges that his wealth allotted him and wanted to do his best to live up to his parents expectations and to preserve the fortune and success of the company. As an adolescent, he began learning the intricacies of business and of the company, primarily through the instruction of his father and company board members (primarily made up of his uncles and aunts). When he wasn't being pampered or reared as the heir, his mother (a successful celestial wizard and former member of Blue Pegasus who left after getting married), stepped down from her prominent role in the company and began teaching him all about celestial spirit magic so she could pass on the magic to him. Thanks to his Spirit Transformation magic, she saw his potential for magic, and through her, he would learn his capabilities as a celestial wizard and when the time was right, she gave him some of her own keys (that she had acquired over the years) to continue her legacy as a celestial wizard. Equipped with magic and the aid of his celestial spirits, Noah would seek out a guild that can help him continue to hone is craft. He surveyed several guilds along his journey, first making a stop at Sleuth, and then Blue Pegasus (the guildmaster and his mother were especially fond of his potential enrollment into this guild). After the notoriety of a dragon's defeat pushed a certain Fenixtear guild into the limelight, it became clear to Noah that this was the guild for him to join. But even as a member of a guild, his role as the heir of the Darling Company continues to remain relevant to his life and his experiences. The day will come when it is his time to put on the mantle of his father and ancestors. [color=A49A90]Extra:[/color] [hider=His Parents] [color=silver][b]Ginger Darling (Mother)[/b][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/UDzH3Sv.jpg[/img] [color=silver][b]Noah Darling Sr. (Father)[/b][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/FyyKjep.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider]