[Center][Color=maroon][h1][u]Spartan Rex-G124[/u][/h1][/color][/center] No sooner had the Spartan gotten his quarters adjusted to his liking that he was summoned by the Major to a briefing room. Without an order otherwise, he held himself at attention. "If I may speak freely, Major," he said, "I would have preferred to continue my work as a LONEWOLF. I prefer working solo. And I especially don't like having to work alongside the Hingeheads on an op." "No need for slurs," Suiko chastised the Spartan, her voice coming through his helmet's external speakers. "Major Robinson, my name is Suiko. I am the artificial intelligence assigned to monitor Rex's mental state. It was partly due to my assessments that he was chosen for this assignment." The AI spoke to Rex directly next. "If you would, could you insert my data chip into the table?" The Spartan obliged, pulling the chip from his neural interface and plugging it directly into the table. Suiko's hologram faced Major Robinson, giving a low bow before speaking. "Given your access to Rex's files, I assume that you're privy to some of the modifications to Project CHRYSANTHEMUM that were made with Gamma Company, correct?" [@EliteCommander]