[sub][i]ISD-Blackstar[/i][/sub][hr] Captain Lorrange sat in silence, mindlessly flipping through reports on her private terminal in her ready room, trying to get through her work. “You don’t have the heart for this!” Captain Bellum’s words repeated in her mind every time the topic of the traitors came up in reports or duty assignments. When he first said that she scoffed, she was angry, and fed up with such an irresponsible seeming officer. So when the troopers tossed him around a bit she had to admit to feeing a bit of pleasure, and even the interrogator droid. But it seems the man was right, the shock probe was fine, but when it started injecting him that’s when she started to grimace. Luckily, she didn’t get to see what more the droid could do, Bellum’s strong façade was just that and crumpled after a minute. What he ended up spilling was nearly useless, in the end it seems he was just someone's tool. Eventually a voice on her intercom shook her out of her self-imposed daze. “Captain, we’ve arrived at Coruscant, and I think you want to see this.” Merril’s brows furrowed, and her mind raced. What could possible be happening at Coruscant, the Rebels would likely attack one day, but it was so brazen, and Ozzel had managed to open a dialogue with them. Even so, she had to ask. “Rebels?” “No, Ma’am. Imperial Vessels, a fleet with Super Star Destroyers…” Super Star Destroyers? There was nothing the Blackstar alone could do, but still, she did have to, and want to see this for herself. Merril dropped what she was doing and hastily walked out towards the bridge.‘Imperial Remnants’, most encounters between them and loyal Imperials turned violent, which is exactly the outcome she feared. Everybody in the navy knew about the firepower of Vader’s old command ship the Super Star Destroyer Executor, it was a monster, and it was a supposed to be a monster on their side. [sub][i]ISD-Blackstar (Bridge)[/i][/sub][hr] Merril felt a wave of apprehension wash over her, either from her own worries, or the anxious atmosphere coating her own command center, there was no difference. Her heart quickened as she saw the site for herself through the view port; most of the new fleet were nothing more than dust motes in the stars, but the SSDs, those were very visible. The entire bridge crew saluted at her presence, her executive officer hung silent for a moment, as if forgetting procedure, and then made his announcement. “Captain on deck!” “Report.” “No weapons fire, but we are detecting a communication line between them and the Imperial Palace.” Mantelli looked at her as if anticipating something, his eyes seemed to be expecting a certain order. [i]What? I hope you’re not asking to fire on them, we’d die, we’d die on the spot![/i] “Would you like to hail them, Ma’am?” He finally asked. “No, they won’t be interested in just another ship.” Merril said. Her lips pursed as she considered what to do. The command crew was young, so something like this definitely had them all on edge, including her, but the standing fleet around Coruscant hadn't engaged the newcomers so there was a good chance they were here in peace; then again, if they weren't, that fleet wasn't going to do much good anyways. “Keep our sensors on that fleet, and hold position here. If something happens, I don’t want to be in the thick of it.” [i]Hopefully this ends well, we’re all one big happy fleet after all…[/i]