Notes on Rage forms/Mega forms of experimental pokemon I feel I should of posted this earlier but honestly I did not expect to see Mega Hibiki this early in the battle. Rage forms are a version of Mega evolution that pokemon that have no mega forms, the rage form is more or less stated in the name, however when a experimental pokemon goes into rage form, they lose their perspective of friend or foe and unleash devastating powers very close to that of Mewtwo when he went on his rampage, many of the past expermental pokemon destroyed themselves in this process. Gileta is an exception as she has no rage form to speak of, instead she's just naturally far more powerful then her sisters, she actually has credit for being able to defeat all four of her sister when they were in rage/Mega form without any help from anyone. Because of this, Gileta is consider the most powerful experimental pokemon at least of the poachers experiments. If Hibiki, Charmcaster, Zerina or Gardivior ever lost their minds, Gileta would be the one to stop them. Zerina has anger issues so she tends to go into rage often, though Selina is always there to stop her and Charmcaster is considered the calmest of all the experimental pokemon so when she go into Rage mode, its always going to be devastating unless Gileta or Serina can calm her down. Since Hibiki has a mega form, she does not have the same issues with rage as the others but she's still not immune to the effects, as Selima stated, Hibiki is now a ticking time bomb ready to explode, if the battle draws out too long, Hibiki will lose her concept of Friend or Foe and just attack anyone who is nearby, including her trainer. Alexa had a scar on her face from where Hibiki scatched her when she was in mega form too long.