[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zAxsMGx.png[/img][/center] [hr] [quote=Madison]"Actually, you're right Maya." [/quote] Maya’s mouth fell open when Madison said that, shock clear across her face. She’d never been told she was right (outside of academic answers), especially in relation to coven business… and the last person she’d expected it from was Madison. Her joy was short lived, when the three left were told to stay put. Of course that was why it had been a great idea. She hadn’t actually wanted to go along with Maya’s entire idea (which had involved getting aid). The last thing Maya really wanted to do was stand around at the edge of a boat while everyone was having fun hunting down Blake. Well, she’d try her hardest. It was best to not fuck it all up [i]again[/i]. But she also really, really didn’t do well with being told what to do. But she’d [i]try[/i] for the sake of learning teamwork. So, to Claudette, she said, “sure, staying back here sounds smart.” “A smoke sure would be nice right now,” Maya responded to Quinn, even if she was entirely a social smoker. It was better than doing nothing. She heaved out a sigh and leaned against a nearby railing somewhat dramatically. A few minutes went by before she spoke again. “Are we really just going to stay here?” She knew the answer would be yes from Claudette, because she was a stickler for not getting into trouble. But either way this was exactly the opposite of how Maya had imagined spending her time on the orgy boat. There were a lot less attractive women that she didn’t know around. “I can’t do it,” Maya pushed herself away from the railing. “What are the chances of bumping into him? This ship is massive. I’m going to have a walk around, [i]just[/i] a short walk, making sure to avoid the sounds of anything Blake might be into.” She waved her hand and started walking away before either of the other two could stop her, assuming that once she was on the move they’d probably follow her anyway. Blake was probably at the front right? That, or the highest level sounded like him. So she headed towards the back to explore a bit… who knew what was hidden on a millionaire’s yacht.