[h2]Frederika Lösnich[/h2] The journey was considerably longer than she had planned for... the Church's knowledge had been embarrassingly out of date, and after summoning having to cross the breadth of Japan, from Kyushu to Honshu. Oh, it wasn't the largest internal journey, but it was certainly one that assiduously avoided ending up in major population centres for long. The funds she had for this journey had become even more depleted than she thought... Though nobody could be to blame but the nun herself, of course. There had been no [i]need[/i] to pay the fare for two people, with a Servant able to occupy a spiritual form for the entire journey if they chose, but would that not be wrong? There were two of them travelling after all. And if Lancer had decided to manifest this would have been quite the problem. Now... now she had to fight, and find out if this was THE holy grail. It probably wasn't, but nonetheless... at least she might have some small advantage in this war? Her Servant might not have been the most powerful of Heroic Spirits but this [i]was[/i] Japan, which might just tip the scales in their direction. Looking out of her hotel room--and at least this small town had enough tourism for [i]that[/i] to be relevant--at the afternoon sun, Frederika thought the scenery was quite beautiful. If only they could talk this out rather than fight. [hr] Elsewhere, in a house of little interest, a [url=http://safebooru.donmai.us/posts/2973481]delicate lady[/url] was sat and putting the finishing touches on her calligraphy. "I hope that your preparations are complete, conjuror. Communications with the outside should soon be delayed, and with that tunnel closed... nobody will be able to quickly leave."