[center]Interactions: Gabe[@Salenea][/center] [indent][color=lightblue]"Well if we are going to continue on ahead, then lets get going. Not sure what a Gible is but it sounds like an awesome pokemon. I am looking forward to seeing what we can find."[/color] Bakuto says cheerfully to Gabe. Looking forward to get away from the minor distraction that was the Misdreavus and its trainer had on both Bakuto and Gabe as they headed to the mountain rocky region to look for pokemon. Absol turned and started to head off back in the direction where they were going before. Almost as if the distraction never happened, Absol was just enjoying the walk to the rock region. Looking forward to actually getting somewhere soon. Absol looking to get more training in so it could help Bakuto better. Bakuto then asks Gabe as they walked, [color=lightblue]"You looking for any specific pokemon yourself? Me personally I will catch any pokemon that I can catch. Even if I cannot use them in the final battles of the Rorie League, I just want to catch some new pokemon." [/color]Sharing his thoughts about catching pokemon with Gabe as this is how he actually felt. Bakuto liked all kinds of pokemon and wants to catch all kinds but he was curious to see what Gabe wants in the kind of pokemon he would go after.[/indent]