[hider=The End of Formaroth] The blood moon hung high in the night sky. The battlefield was stained with the blood of his enemies. They had fallen and he had risen. Atop a mountain of their corpses sat Andris on his new throne made from their very bones. His flesh was almost completely stripped from his body, his eyes were as black as the night sky, his soul now a bottomless abyss, he was more dead than alive, but it didn’t matter. He had won. He had reclaimed his land. He became more than the king of Formaroth, he had become a god. With his new power he would shape the world in his image. A world without war, death and betrayal. It would be perfect. But what was the cost. His humanity, his soul? For his land, family, wife and son, he would forsake it all to save them. Then something stirred within him. Something that he had not felt in a long time. He clenched his hand on his chest where his heart would have been but he had lost it a long time ago. They had seen to that. Pain. A tear rolled down what was left of his cheek and as it hit the ground a scream of anguish could be heard across the world. In that moment Andris realised he was truly and forever alone. Andris opened his eyes. Another dream. They become a lot more recent over the last few weeks. Andris looked out of the window to see the early rise of the sun. He knew there was no point to go back to sleep again. He turned to look at Frajera sleeping peacefully as she always did. He let her rest for a little longer, she had a long day like himself. He got out of bed and approached the crib where Afdul was asleep. Andris had not been able to spend as much time with him as he wished but he hoped that soon he could be the father that Afdul deserved. He reached out to touch his son but stopped to see his skeletal hand. He then thought about his dream. Was it a warning of events that could be averted or was it the ultimate destination of his destiny? As he raised his head to look at the rising sun Andris felt uneasy. Something was wrong and he was unable to stop what was to come. [/hider] [hider=A New Day in Deliverance] Andris entered the courtyard to see some of the newest additions to his army. The undead were an unnatural sight to behold. Many of them were familiar to Andris as they had been soldiers that had fallen during the siege of Deliverance. Parts of the flesh were mostly decomposed due to the bodies having to be dug back up. What was left of their eyes were devoid of life. But Zilak had done it. He was creating an army that almost indestructible. Andris had the proof as a few weeks ago he had a demonstration as one of his soldiers impaled one of the undead with his sword only for the undead to remove the sword and star wielding it. If it were not for Zilak controlling it the poor soldier wouldn’t have stood a chance. Andris was very impressed but he could tell that there was discomfort among some of the ranks. But he did not know how he could make them understand. His thoughts were interrupted when a courier approached him. “A letter for you my lord.” Said the Courier. Andris swiftly took the letter. “Thank you.” Said Andris. The courier quickly went on his way. Andris opened the envelope and read through the letter. Unfortunately it was not what he wanted read. The letter had been from one of his spies. They had been sent to Seikatsu and Beilokias in order to find any mercenaries that could be potential allies for the cause. But unfortunately, the letter described how most companies had already been hired by either the locals or the Imperium in their currently ongoing war. The letter finished with the spy saying how they would continue to investigate and send another letter if any sudden changes happened on the front. Andris was gravely disappointed but there was nothing that could be done. Andris hoped to build the numbers of his army quicker than what it was taking. However he was able to calm himself as he thought of Lady Neptuna and her ships patrolling the waters and raiding any ships bearing either the empires or Blackwell’s crest. But luckily it seemed that Empire saw little interest in retaliating. They must have not seen the Alliance as much of a threat now, but Andris knew that the snake would make his move against them soon enough. If the Alliance was to stand a chance against the empire that they would need to strike first. It was close to midday and Andris and Marror Lanistark were walking through the halls of the castle discussing tactics of what would be the best approach in terms of returning to Formaroth and how they would work their way towards Nyhem. Andris could sense the optimism from Marror, he seemed to have gained some confidence now that Zilak’s undead forces had reinforced his army. But Andris knew that something was up. “What’s wrong?” ask Andris. Marror sighed “Today would have been her birthday. But every time I think about her all I can think is how I failed her.” Andris knew how Marror felt. For a long time he felt that he could have saved Ramzi if he was stronger. But that was a long time ago now. “Marror. There was nothing that you could have done.” Andris said “The only thing you can do is honour her memory. The good, the bad, all of it. Through that, you slowly move on without tainting their legacy. For so long I wish I could save my brother and if given the chance I probably would. But I came to realized that his death was the start of many things and not just the end. The same goes for you. You’ve become a far more driven and ambitious man since her death. You’ve led your army against the forces of Morian and now stand as my second in command. She would have been proud of you Marror. I promised our chance for revenge will soon be upon us”. Marror took in the words and thought on them. He had changed. War had that effect on everyone, for better or worse. He smiled “My thanks, my King. You’ve been a good friend to me, know I will fight at your side until my end.” The two of them smiled as they shook hands in agreement. They soon concluded their meeting and headed to the barracks for their regular training. Little did they know that spiteful eyes were watching Andris as vultures stalk a dying animal. Ian and Dilys Mazeltof looked down from their quarters. “Are the men ready?” Asked Ian. “Yes, they wait for our word.” Answerd Dilys. “How many?” “About fifty.” “Good that’s more than enough. It happens at dusk. Soon we will put an end to this tyranny. We will avenge our family and end this war for good.” [/hider] [hider=Final Betrayal] The day was coming close to its end. Andris had spent most of the afternoon in the throne room of the castle reviewing the latest reports of Neptuna fleet and listening to the various needs of Deliverance citizens. He had one last appointment with the Mazeltofs before he could retire. He didn’t know what they wanted though he made a guess it would be another plea to him to bring their sister to Deliverance. If so this meeting would be a waste of time. Suddenly he could hear a commotion in the hallway. He was unsure of what it could be. “Guards!” ordered Andris. A personal guard of his approached. “Make your way to the barracks and gather as many men as you can." “Yes sir.” Replied the guard as he quickly exited the throne room through the back. “Make haste!” he then pointed at the other guard that had remained. “Ready yourself!” “But my lord, what about you?” asked the guard who had noticed that Andris was unarmed. “Don’t worry about me. Just be ready for what comes.” Said Andris as the door to hallway opened with a bloodied and injured Mandarass soldier stumbling into the throne room. “My lord. We are betrayed it’s the…” the guard fell to the ground with an arrow lodged into his back. Andris was shocked to see this. But then he saw a couple of his soldiers dead and covered in blood in the hallway. Who would dare betray him and slaughter his men. But he soon had his answer as Ian and Dilys entered the throne room with a small company of soldiers. Dilys was wielding her spear which was covered in the blood of Andris’ men while Ian had his bow with an arrow ready to fire at a moment’s notice. “Ian, Dilys, what is the meaning of this?!” demanded Andris. “Lord Mandarass we demand that you step down immediately.” Shouted Ian. “For too long you have led this alliance astray and on the brink of ruin. You bring that necromancer into our council and surround yourself with an army of monsters that were once your fellow soldiers.” “Our father once told of your sense of honour but since we joined your alliance we have gained nothing and lost too much.” Added Dilys “Our family is gone and our sister is in danger. All because of your need to wear the crown.” Deep down Andris knew they were right so many lives had been lost due to his desire to rule Formaroth. But he no longer wanted the crown he just wanted revenge and reclaim his homeland. “I understand your anger.” Said Andris “The Mazeltofs have suffered more than most in the alliance. But killing me won’t solve anything.” “We don’t want to kill you.” Said Dilys. “But we will be forced to if you refuse to stand down.” Said Ian. As this happened a good number of armed Lannistark and Mandarass men entered the throne room. “My Lord!” said the guard leading the men. “Stay where you are!” ordered Andris. He turned his attention back to the Mazeltofs. “You know that I can’t do that. However if you take your men and leave Deliverance I will grant you mercy.” “And if we refuse?” asked Ian. “Then you will leave me no choice.” Said Andris. Whose heart had sunk into a dark abyss. “Very well then. Then only your death will bring an end to this madness.” Said Dilys. As she did she drew her bow and fired an arrow at Andris. Luckily Andris was just able to dodge it, if she was any closer he would surely be dead. “Protect our lord!” ordered the guard. A bloody fight ensued. Mazeltof, Lannistark and Mandarass soldiers were fighting tooth and nail to either protect their lords or gain ground in the throne room. The Mazeltofs had the advantage. Their knights were better trained and armed then his. His men were being cut down like blades of grass. He had only one choice. He had to summon the undead. Zilak when showing the advantages of the undead soldiers told Andris that he had to power to command them through his skeletal arm. Andris swiftly raised his hand in the air. At first nothing had happened he started to think that Zilak was full of lies. Then suddenly he started to feel a tingling sensation in his arm. It was the first time he had felt anything in his fleshless arm. Then without hesitation a swarm of undead rushed into the throne room and straight towards the Mazeltof soldiers. Some had weapons and some did not, but it didn’t matter. Fear had taken over the Mazeltof soldiers and soon they were being either cut into pieces by dull blades or ripped apart with hands and teeth. One of the Mandarass soldiers vomited after seen a man’s intestines being pulled out of his stomach while still screaming in pain. The soldiers tried their hardest but even if they chopped an arm off or a leg the undead would still continue as if it was only an inconvenience. Andris couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The undead were even more effective than he imagined. Ian saw the sheer unrelenting horror that was unfolding in front of him. He knew he had to save his men. He looked at Andris looking over the carnage he knew he had to stop him. He unsheathed his dagger and worked his way through the men and undead and bolted straight toward him as he plunged the dagger in between Andris’ ribs. The whole room stop both men and undead, the fight was over. Andris Mandarass was dead. That was what Ian had hoped but all he could do was step back. Andris, with the dagger still imbedded between his ribs, was still standing. Andris looked down at the dagger and with his skeletal arm slowly pulled the dagger out. Barely if any blood came out of the wound. He looked at Ian and started to approach him. Ian was frozen in fear. His stare pierced Ian’s very soul and his fear would not allow him to defend himself. Andris grasp Ian’s throat with his left arm as if he was about to choke him but he didn’t. He looked at the dagger the thought stabbing Ian with his own weapon seemed almost poetic but he resisted and dropped it. “I gave you the chance to leave. I gave you a chance of mercy. And what do you do? You threw it away for some sense of hate against me when it should have aimed at the empire. They took your family and land not me! I respected your father and in that I respected you and your sister! But you’re nothing but a worm! Your father would be ashamed of what you’ve done with your family! I should throw the two of you and your men in the dungeon and let you rot! But that would be a waste. I know exactly what to do with you.” Andris with his skeletal hand dug his fingers into Ian’s ribs. Ian’s screams were heard throughout the castle. The pain must have been indescribable. Andris continued to push and twist his fingers deeper in. Ian continued to scream even to the point that his voice wouldn’t let him. He deserved the pain, all traitors deserved to suffer. “NO! Leave him alone!” cried out Dilys. Without even looking at her Andris ordered “Seize her.” Nothing had happened. Andris’ rage started to build inside of him. “I SAID SEIZE HER!!!” Two of his men snapped out of what seemed like a hypnotic trance and grabbed Dilys’ arms so that she wouldn’t escape or do something she would later regret. Andris then whispered in Ian’s ear. “Just so you know if I find your sister in Formaroth. I won’t give her the same offer as I gave to you. The minute I have her at my mercy I’ll send my undead on her like a pack of wild dogs and they won’t stop till there is nothing left.” Ian seemed to be trying to plead for mercy. But his voice was completely inaudible at this point that Andris could barely make out any words. “You deserve to suffer for what you’ve done. If anything you’ve taught me something. You were right I was once a man of honour and look where that brought me. So damn my honour I would sell my soul if it meant I could get my family back to my homeland. Let you and your sister be a warning for what happens if you cross my path or stand in my way.” Andris continued to twist his fingers further into Ian’s side until blood started to spew from his mouth and soon Ian went limp with nothing but Andris keeping him up. Andris let the body slump to the floor. Dilys was in tears from the sight of her brother’s body. “Take his body to Zilak’s lair for his return.” Ordered Andris “I have further use for him. Take the whore to the dungeon. We’ll deal with her later. Take these traitors to the courtyard and execute them and then take them to Zilak. It would be a waste of resources to keep them alive. After that leave me to my thoughts.” It took a few minutes but soon the throne room was empty except for Andris and the blood of both sides that remained on the floor. So much blood and for what? This war needed to end and soon. But he could no longer contain his rage and he yelled in anger. The sound that came out almost sounded inhuman but he didn’t care, all the loss and pain was taking over him. But soon, soon it would be all over. A few days had passed and it was as if the Mazeltof betrayal had never happened thought the signs we clearly visible. Soon the Mazeltof corpses would join his undead army and he had plans for Ian once he had been risen. If anything Ian’s fate may have been considered a slight mercy compared to the fate of his sister Dilys. Two days ago her bruised and bloodied self was force to walk and be paraded throughout the castle and the nearby town where ultimately she was ruthlessly executed in the town in front of a crowd of jeering crowd of peasants and soldiers calling her an Raldian whore and traitor. Her body was then crudely hacked into pieces and each part was taken to parts of Deliverance. Her legs to the docks, her torso in the town square and her head above the gate of the castle. Her body would be a warning of what would happen to those who further betrayed or stood against Andris Mandarass. Soon the entirety of Formaroth would know his wrath. Soon he would have his revenge. Soon he would kill them all. [/hider]