[quote=@Crimson Flame] I'm Crimson Flame. I'm also known as Mon on other sites because I use the username Monster Guy. I don't know any of you well enough to tell you my actual first name. :P I turn 30 in October, although I would like to stay 29 until 2021 because this year sucked. I'm from Florida. Contrary to popular belief, not all Florida men are weird. I love RPing. That's literally the reason I'm here. Favorite world to play in is Pokemon. I've been a Pokemon fan since forever. Currently out of college and unemployed, and Coronavirus makes getting employed difficult. I live at home though, so I'm not struggling or anything. I identity as gay, though currently in the closet because I don't feel comfortable being out to my parents right now. [/quote] Baha, Florida Men Unite! I live in Oregon, but I was born in Florida and have spent a lot of time there. My dad was stationed at the naval air base in Jacksonville when I was young, though I went to high school in the Tampa Bay area. From the late 1990s until a few years ago, I hopped back and forth between Florida and Wyoming, though I haven't been back there since 2017. I spent some time helping family in South Dakota and then moved here to Portland in early 2018, where I've lived since. I've grown to despise red states, which is part of what has kept me anchored here in Oregon. And yeah, COVID-19 is wreaking havoc. It must suck trying to find a job in this. Luckily I haven't lost my job -- yet. The university did give us a 20% furlough though as part of a Work Share program. That means we only work 32 hours a week and claim unemployment for the other 8. The virus has ravaged the university's budget, and the entire upper management team all reduced their own salaries to help out. They gave us all an extra 80 hours of sick time and restored any vacation time we had used this year. That came in handy when I was in a 14-day quarantine back in April due to possible exposure and similar symptoms. I had some shit in my lungs and was in fits of coughing, but thanks to our incompetent federal leadership, tests were still widely unavailable at that time. Because I was not in critical condition, they couldn't spare a test for me, and I sat it out for the fourteen days. Luckily my immune system has always bordered on superhuman levels, so after about eight days the symptoms were completely gone. By the end of the fourteen days I was back at work. That was actually the longest amount of time I have ever been sick. It took about eight days for the crud to clear out of my lungs and for my breathing to return to normal, but prior to that, I'd never been sick for more than two or three days. I only get a cold or flu bug like once every several years, and almost always, I make a complete recovery within 72 hours. Also, I completely understand not wanting to come out to your parents yet. My dad wonders why I'm turning 38 next month but I've sill never been married or had a serious relationship other than once when I was 19. I don't really have an exact label for what I am, but think of it like a triangle with "Heterosexual," "Sapiosexual," and "Asexual" on each point. I am physically attracted to feminine characteristics, watch a lot of lesbian videos, read and write smut, have a ton of female cosplayers followed on Insta and FB, and love looking at women just as much as a normal guy. But the vast majority of the time, I have no interest or desire to actually seek out intimate partners. I would be perfectly content if I never had sex again, because I am severely introverted and don't like people in my personal space. I'd rather just have a wank and then go back to video games or writing or whatever I was doing before, lol. In the rare event that I am actually interested in becoming intimate with someone, it is almost always as a result of their mind rather than their appearance. If someone doesn't portray a great deal of intelligence, creativity, kindness, and passion, then how "hot" they are is meaningless to me.