[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200711/ab6cd76008fa38a0b0ff422ad4f5ddee.png[/img][/center] [center]Duskwing glanced over as Moosepaw made his way over and sat down next to her, giving a nod at his concern, and noticing the slightly apprehensive look on the younger cats' face gave his flank a slight flick with her tail. Giving him a slight smile of encouragement, [color=f26522]"this has been a harsher leafbare than usual, hopefully it won't drag on."[/color] Standing up and shaking the numbness out of her paws she began heading towards the entrance to camp, giving a nod to the border patrol that stood nearby preparing to leave as well. [color=f26522][i]Starclan watch over us[/i][/color]...as she passed through the entrance into the snow covered forest, glancing around deciding where the best place to hunt would be.[/center] [center]Looking to the shadows cast on the ground by the barren trees, and taking a moment to decide; ultimately hunting under the still canopy of the pine trees would likely provide them with the best chance to catch prey sheltering from the snow under the roots or in the ever present pine needles. Duskwing glanced towards Moosepaw [color=f26522]"where do you think the prey would be hiding this time of day?"[/color] Hoping to give her apprentice the opportunity to collect his thoughts and prepare for a difficult hunt, while also having her own strategy in mind, if he needed a bit of a hint, would be a good way to get into the proper mindset. [color=f26522][i]His size makes it more difficult for him to walk softly, but hopefully the training we've done will give him a bit of an edge[/i][/color][/center]