[hr][CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/never-really-over-font/][img]https://i.imgur.com/bftdLNR.png?2[/img][/url] "[color=#FFD700]Expectations, they go wrong.[/color]" "[color=#FF5757]I suppose I don't know a lot yet.[/color]" [hr]—————————————————— [sub]Blake's Orgy Yacht... Ew.[/sub][/center] [indent] Grace raised her brow at Madison before shrugging, "[color=#FF5757]Oh trust me, her first impression... And second were absolutely terrible but uh... You know, I'll steer clear from her once the third fucks me over, but right now I owe her.[/color]" Said Grace as she took a step back to look at Quinn with her head down, she obviously never cared much for the outfit right now but from the way she was not standing still it was clear that she was relatively restless right now and in need of something? What did she want. Action. She wants action, she wants to get it going, Quinn is someone with little patience and fucks for the world. She looked over into the water then backed to the main part of the boat, she was tapping her feet since she wanted out of the clothes pretty bad. When Maya asked if they were going to stay right there, Quinn just looked at her and gave a her a look, a look that hopefully told Maya that she really did not want to. But the moment Maya herself got restless, a smile grew on Quinn's face and she knew that they were off to an adventure, will it be good? Probably not? Is there a chance for them to die? Maybe. Either way it beats standing around doing nothing. "[color=#FFD700]That's what I wanted to hear.[/color]" She said immediately following behind Maya, "[color=#FFD700]I'm coming with you on this... [i]Walk[/i].[/color]" Said Quinn Grace was surprised at the sudden appearance of other people, it definitely caught her off guard especially since Madison just showed herself and she did not know if she was to follow or- Okay she was following no stopping it now. She was ready to fight but she'd still rather talk her way out since lightning bolts are definitely flashy and stamina heavy. "[color=#FF5757]Uh... What? You know those people?[/color]" Grace asked, apparently there was some weird Hercules thing going on, because Grace knows Hades when she sees a Hades. "[color=#FF5757]Whatever they're doing, it looks like one hell of a good time.[/color]" Do people say that? Wait do these people say that? Does it matter? No. It really does not. Quinn removed both her sun hat and aviators and held it to Maya, "[color=#FFD700]This Blake guy knows your face right?[/color]" She alternated showing her both the items on each of her hands for her to pick, "[color=#FFD700]Let's make it harder for him, here, take your pick.[/color]" She then remembered, she raised the hat up real quick to tell her "[color=#FFD700]Oh, this hat isn't mine so give it back to Grace after, or me I don't know, all I know is that she'll be absolutely livid.[/color]" but she made her lean towards the hat more since it was closer to her and it matched with her outfit- Oh man, Quinn never cared about that before, Grace is not the influence she wanted when she joined the coven. After she gave Maya whatever she had chosen she went off on her own, Maya could handle herself, this was something Quinn was very aware of. She gave her a quick nod before going in the other direction, who knows what she'll find? [/indent][hr] [color=#BDBDBD][sub][right]Interactions: [/right][/sub][/color]