[hider=REX][center][sub][h1][sub][color=red]┼ℝ┼𝔼┼𝕏┼[/color][/sub][/h1][/sub][img]https://s1.zerochan.net/Meto31.600.1774206.jpg[/img][/center] [Center][img]https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/arknights_sniper.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=red][i]"God Willing, You Won't Need Me"[/i][/color][/h3][/center] [center][h2]Blacksteel Operative & High-Risk Consultant for Haynek Institute[/h2][/center] [pre]CODE NAME: Rex WORK EXPERIENCE: 7 years PLACE OF BIRTH: Laterano DATE OF BIRTH: January 5th RACE: Sankta INFECTION STATUS: Confirmed not Infected according to the medical test report[/pre] [pre]PHYSICAL STRENGTH: Standard MOBILITY: Excellent PHYSICAL RESILIENCE: Standard TACTICAL ACUMEN: Excellent COMBAT SKILL: Excellent ORIGINIUM ARTS ASSIMILATION: Standard[/pre] [pre]Rex is a citizen of Laterno with rights & privileges from one to thirteen in the Laterano Constitution. He was a member of Blacksteel as a private investigator working in covert situations. Played supportive and intelligence roles for security operations. Early in his career he showed an uncanny ability to read and anticipate high-pressure situations. His ability to strategically manage and tactically maneuver, set him up for quick lateral promotion. Later he'd pioneer a new role and be classified as a Rescue Extractor. The R.E.O.'s primary purpose is to drop into "losing" combat situations, assess and command critical assets for extraction. These talents and skills sharpened overtime with Blacksteel Worldwide earning him the code name, Guardian King. Eventually, his code name morphed into a nickname that started to be used among the BS Worldwide organization, Rex. Rex specializes in special operations, guerilla warfare, dignitary protection, and covert communication.[/pre] [pre]Imaging test for this Operator showed clear outline of internal organs without any unusual dark spot. No unusual traces of Originium particles present in her system, no signs of infection, confirming him as Non-infected. [Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0% Operator Rex has no sign of ore-infection. [Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.09u/L Operator Rex has been in areas with Originium but has yet been infected, he does wear proper PPE for such missions.[/pre] [hider=File 1] He is a silent individual with a sparingly positive affect at times. His immediate presence can be heavy and provide a feeling of security, but this does not speak to his physical nature, a born acrobat and strategist it appears, a willingness to take precise risks.[/hider] [hider=File 2] There is a video recording saved in the BSW database regarding one of Rex's "call-ins". The security team leader was under overwhelming odds. Caught in an ambush during a security escort, the team had lost 3 of their 8 operational members with 17 total enemies and counting circling their position. Completely encircled, Rex dropped in outside the enemy perimeter and managed to trick the enemy in targeting one another, thinking they were firing at reinforcements. Following Rex's head cam, he navigated rubble tossed smoke into an entrenched position at the rear of friendlies. The cam kept steady awaiting the enemy to abandon their entrenched position from the smoke-out and one-by-one as they attempted to escape, Rex picked them off. Creating a window for the friendlies to retreat from and toward Rex's position while the remaining enemy teams fought each other under the confusion. Rex and all 8 members escaped with 3 critically wounded including the dignitary.[/hider] [hider=File 3] Rex has demonstrated his value to Blacksteel Worldwide immensely and has been loaned at a great cost to the Haynek Institute as security assurance for a ground team to confirm and recover reports of Originium in Kazimierz around a village called, Riventor. [/hider][/hider] [hider=The Rools][i]Projekt Red[/i][/hider]