[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LE0oU15.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/98ycdZR.gif[/img] [b][color=black]Time:[/color][/b][color=gray]Evening--> Morning[/color] [b][color=black]Location:[/color][/b][color=gray]University Art Exhibition --> OH HQ [/color] [b][color=black]Interactions:[/color][/b][@Potter][@MasterDucky] [/center] [color=gray] The vampires seemed to be luckily all dead. The werewolves seemed to luckily be departing so she decided against pursuing them as they were not harming any humans. She knew her fellow hunters would probably have a different opinion but Angel was still deciding on her opinion on werewolves and witches. Angel looked down at Remy as she approached and gently rubbed her shoulder, assuring her she was alright before leading her to the car with her. She knelt down and whispered to her, pleading with her not to tell anyone about the woman in the car because she was their secret friend. She noted Sean outside and gave him a wave to allow him to observe her and Remy's status as she ushered Remy into the front seat. Once in the car, she looked backward to see the woman curled up in a ball with her painting. [color=B72B26] "Look. I have to report back to the HQ but I'll pick you up some food. Just hide back there and don't talk if anyone comes over. I'll take you wherever you want to go first thing in the morning. Don't try any weird shit or else. I wouldn't leave the car once we get there if I were you either. "[/color] She grabbed a blanket from the side seat and threw it over the witch. Angel picked up some food and gave it to Shay on the way to the HQ and brought Remy back inside with her once they arrived. The next morning, she hopped into the car once again and turned to her.[color=B72B26] "So. Care to share?"[/color] [/color]