It seemed like Nick Nacks, or, rather the Penta Posse had the right idea... hide behind something you don't care to lose as these red hot harpoons seemed to explode one after the other... but, what was unlikely going to be unfortunate for him, Ampere had... a different idea. An idea that could end one of two ways, with him getting exploded, or him throwing something that explodes right in one of the squids' eyes. He ran up to the nearest harpoon, used the extra strength from his gloves to pull it out of the ground, and then tossed it right towards the left skysquid, hoping to hit it, and hoping that he was quick enough that it didn't just explode in his hand. The burger monster that Ampere was standing next to seemed to be pleading for someone to kill it... but unfortunately, Ampere couldn't take that request, since it was being used as cover by one of his allies, and killing it would leave that ally vulnerable. "Kill... m... e..." it tried to plead, but, of course, said plea would fall on deaf ears, this time... maybe once everyone was out of battle, he'd be more willing to listen, but... its continued existence was still necessary... as painful as it clearly was at this point.