The brutal assault from three front-liners and a screaming construct, that almost got belted with a massive blade from surprise, seemed to put the fear into the soldiers finally. Those alive backed away and started to flee northward, that was fine. South the archers were getting pelted by the weird goo thing from earlier, and Cecilia was using the broken spear blades as returning projectiles. Interesting, but not enough to get the reptilian man to try for magic. Boomerangs existed! But still, the soldiers were retreating except a dozen or so that were still fresh but seemingly distracted by fleeing allies and the archer predicament. But the thing was, with the archers distracted, the group [b]should[/b] move now. [color=red]"Start moving, hit the archers as you go if they start targeting you."[/color] He called out to the others behind him. His buffs weren't going to last much longer either, the glow about him was fading quicker than before. Was it because he had been injured so much? Was he actually tired? Most likely. Still he proceeded, fully leaving the alley as he went for the soldiers ahead. The edge of his blade took on a yellowed hue as he charged. A big sword, a glowing edge, it spelled one thing for the bumbling soldiers that were trying to get to the group. [color=red]"Cleave!"[/color] He growled out. Sure his blade was big enough to do it on its own, combined with his might as well, but this added a big more damage to the display. He was trying to dishearten the new soldiers to get them to flee as well. The soldiers he struck were literally cleaved across their lower abdominals. Pretty much where the breastplates ended and a belt rested, a weak point, which was quite fatal when encountered by a behemoth. All his blade had to worry about was spines, clothes, and meat.